Physics Circuit Fundamental and Basic Electronics
Physics Circuit Fundamental and Basic Electronic:-In this Post cover all Circuit fundamental and basic electronics notes all question short very short and most important question answer last year paper and physics syllabus.

Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut
Latest Syllabus
Growth and decay of currents through inductive resistances, charging and discharging in R.C. and R.L.C. circuits, Time constant, Measurement of high resistance by Leakage Method, A.C. Bridges, Maxwell’s and Schering’s Bridges, Wien Bridge. Thevenin, Norton, and superposition theorems and their applications.
Semiconductors, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, n-type and p-type semiconductors, unbiased diode, forward bias and reverse bias diodes, diode as a rectifier, diode characteristics, zener diode, avalanche and zener breakdown, power supplies, rectifier, bridge rectifier, capacitor input filter, voltage regulation, zener regulator.
Bipolar transistors three doped regions, forward and reverse bias, D.C. alpha, D.C. beta transistor curves.
Transistor biasing circuits base bias, emitter bias, and voltage divider .bias, D.C. load line. Basic A.C. equivalent circuits, low-frequency model, small-signal amplifiers, common emitter amplifier, common collector amplifiers, and common base amplifiers, current and voltage gain, R.C. coupled amplifier, gain, frequency response, the equivalent circuit at low medium and high frequencies, feedback principles.
Input and output impedance, transistor as an oscillator, general discussion, and theory of Hartley oscillator only. Elements of transmission and reception, basic principles of amplitude modulation and demodulation. Principle and design of linear multimeters and their application, cathode ray oscilloscope, and its simple applications.
भौतिक विज्ञान
(मूल परिपथ तथा प्रारम्भिक इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी)
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Derive an Expression Growth Current L-R Circuit
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