B.Com 3rd Year Principle of Marketing Online Test Principle of Marketing Chapter 7th = Product Planning and Development /5 50 This Quiz Time only 10 minutes Your Time is Finish 10 minutes Thanks for Giving This Test. All Question Product Planning and Development Product Planning and Development Content in The Article Toggle Marketing: An IntroductionPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizMarketing MixPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizMarketing EnvironmentPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizConsumer BehaviourPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the QuizPlease Give Your InformationFor start the Quiz Please Give Your Information For start the Quiz NameEmailPhone Number 1 / 5 19. Advantage of product planning is: Maximum utilization of resources Increase in profit capacity Fulfilment of social responsibilities All above 2 / 5 18. Principle of product development is: Principle of standardization Principle of simplification Principle of specialization All above 3 / 5 17. The buyer who buy the product for re-sale is called: Consumer Organizational buyer Customer Purchaser 4 / 5 16. Which of the following is not a component of product planning: Product innovation Product standardization Product diversification Product availability 5 / 5 18. Product differentiation is Market oriented strategy Product oriented strategy Both of the above None of the above Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Please Give Your Review Send feedback Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23