B.Com 3rd Year Principle of Marketing Online Test

  • Principle of Marketing Chapter 14th = Promotion Chapter – 1st
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    Promotion Chapter - Ist

    Promotion Chapter - Ist

    1 / 100

    100, Opening overseas branch is a:

    2 / 100

    99. Which of the following is not a merit of indirect exporting:

    3 / 100

    98. Method of Indirect exporting is:

    4 / 100

    97. Which of the following is not a merit of direct export:

    5 / 100

    96. Which of the following is main demerit of indirect export:

    6 / 100

    95. Main demerit of opening overseas sales branch is:

    7 / 100

    94. Which of the following method of direct export requires minimum investment:

    8 / 100

    93. Which of the following is not a method of Direct export:

    9 / 100

    92. Main purpose of preparing evaluation matrix is:

    10 / 100

    91. In the process of analysis of foreign market selection, which of the following is not a step of general analysis:

    11 / 100

    90. Which of the following is first step of an organization engaged in international marketing:

    12 / 100

    89. Organisation which provide foreign trade information in India is:

    13 / 100

    88. Specific analysis while selecting an export market includes:

    14 / 100

    87. WTO was established in:

    15 / 100

    86. Challenge in international marketing is:

    16 / 100

    85, Problem in international marketing is:

    17 / 100

    84. Cause of entering in international market is:

    18 / 100

    83. In international marketing, exporters have to face:

    19 / 100

    82. Difficulty in international marketing is:

    20 / 100

    81. Scope of international marketing includes:

    21 / 100

    80. International marketing is important as:

    22 / 100

    79. Benefit of international marketing is:

    23 / 100

    78, International marketing is of:

    24 / 100

    77. International marketing is a:

    25 / 100

    76. Which of the following activity includes in international marketing:

    26 / 100

    75. To make available company’s goods and services to more than one country’s customers for use, is known international marketing”. Who said this:

    27 / 100

    74. The process of marketing beyond the countries border is called international marketing”. Who said this:

    28 / 100

    73. Which of the following is not a form of international marketing:

    29 / 100

    72. Disadvantages of personal selling is:

    30 / 100

    71. Conversation with customers, demonstration of goods removal of customer’s doubts etc. are the part of………….:

    31 / 100

    70, “Personal selling is personal conversation with the prospective customers for making sales.” To what extent this statement is correct?

    32 / 100

    69, Personal selling is more effective than………….:

    33 / 100

    68, In personal selling. tries to influence the customer:

    34 / 100

    67. , Personal selling consists of contacting prospective buyers of product personally.” Who gave this statement?

    35 / 100

    67. Certain qualities of salesman like maturity, tactfulness, straightforward, loyalty etc. are the characteristics of:

    36 / 100

    66. In selling process formula “RIDSAC” – R represents:

    37 / 100

    64. Six steps in selling process: (i) Reception, (ii) Inquiry, (iii) Demonstration, (iv) Selection, (v) Addition and (vi) Co mmendation have been described by:

    38 / 100

    63. Which statement is true:

    39 / 100

    62. Six types of successful salesmen: (i) Speciality salesman, (ii) Junior salesman, (iii) Senior salesman, (iv) Sales engineer, (v) Export salesman and (vi) Missionary salesman have been described by:

    40 / 100

    61. E. Waterman company emphasized the … qualities for a successful salesman:

    41 / 100

    60. Russel emphasized the qualities for a successful salesman:

    42 / 100

    59, In his work maximum freedom is given:

    43 / 100

    58. A modern salesman is:

    44 / 100

    57, Selling functions is:

    45 / 100

    56. Which statement is true:

    46 / 100

    55. Personal selling includes:

    47 / 100

    54. Which of the following is not media of indoor advertising:

    48 / 100

    59. Merit of indoor advertising is:

    49 / 100

    52. Which of the following is indoor method of advertising:

    50 / 100

    51. Which of the following is a method of advertising budgeting:

    51 / 100

    50. Which of the following is media of advertising?

    52 / 100

    49, Objective of advertisement is:

    53 / 100

    48. Advertisement is helpful in:

    54 / 100

    47., Advertisement is criticized because:

    55 / 100

    46. Advertising is a:

    56 / 100

    45. Main objectives of advertising are:

    57 / 100

    44, “The purpose of advertising is to reduce percentage cost of production and distribution.” Who said this:

    58 / 100

    43, “Advertising can be described as the art of creating a demand for article or a service.” Who said this?

    59 / 100

    42. Advertising is a salesmanship without a personal salesman.” Who said this:

    60 / 100

    41, The life of outdoor media of advertising is:

    61 / 100

    40. Examples of non-personal communication media are:

    62 / 100

    39. Advertising, sales promotion, public relation and publicity are the type of:

    63 / 100

    38, Which advertising media you would use when you have to give product demonstration:

    64 / 100

    37. Which is not Media of Advertising:

    65 / 100

    36, The amount earmarked by top management for advertisement is called:

    66 / 100

    35, ‘POP’ means:

    67 / 100

    34. DAGMAR’ concept was firstly developd by:

    68 / 100

    33. Which is not the evaluation method of advertising effectiveness?

    69 / 100

    32. Essentials of a good advertising copy is:

    70 / 100

    31. Which statement is correct?

    71 / 100

    30. Which of the following is outdoor advertising:

    72 / 100

    29. Outdoor advertising includes:

    73 / 100

    28. Advertising is:

    74 / 100

    27. Essentials of a good advertising copy are:

    75 / 100

    26. Advertising is:

    76 / 100

    25. Advertising is an art in form of printing.” Defined by:

    77 / 100

    24, “Advertising can be described as the art of creating a demand for an article or a service.” This statement relates to:

    78 / 100

    23. Which statement is correct:

    79 / 100

    22. Government public relations media in India are:

    80 / 100

    21, In the modern competitive economy public relations is:

    81 / 100

    20. Public relations is established:

    82 / 100

    19. Public relations is needed:

    83 / 100

    18. Distribution of free samples include in:

    84 / 100

    17. Which statement is more correct:

    85 / 100

    16. Sales promotion activities are conducted by:

    86 / 100

    15. Six steps in process of sales promotion : (i) Establishing the objectives, (ii) Selecting tools or methods, (iii) Developing sales promotion programme, (iv) Testing of the programme, (v) Implementing the programme and (vi) Evaluting the programme have been described by:

    87 / 100

    14. Main characteristics of sales promotion is:

    88 / 100

    13. Available funds, Nature of the market, Nature Product, Stage of Product life cycle-factors Promotion mix are given by:

    89 / 100

    12. Promotion word taken from:

    90 / 100

    11. Sales promotion activities are run for:

    91 / 100

    10. Who is benefitted from sales promotion activities?

    92 / 100

    9. Which one of the following is not an element of Promotion-mix?

    93 / 100

    8. Distribution of free samples, coupons, free gifts and trade fairs come in the category of:

    94 / 100

    7. Can the exhibitions and seasonal discounts be as sales promotional activities?

    95 / 100

    6. Promotion Mix includes:

    96 / 100

    5. According to William J. Stanton, Factors affecting Promotion Mix are:

    97 / 100

    4. According to William J. Stanton, Factors affecting Promotion Mix are:

    98 / 100

    3. According to Hasty and Will, object of promotion is:

    99 / 100

    2, According to Hasty and Will, objects of promotion are:

    100 / 100

    1. Promotion includes advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and other selling tools.” This statement is of:

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