B.Com 3rd Year Principle of Marketing Online Test

  • Principle of Marketing Chapter 6th = Product Concept
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    Product Concept

    Product Concept

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    38. Product mix is:

    2 / 39

    37. Specific model, brand or size of a product that a company sells, is known as:

    3 / 39

    36. Dominant factor which influence the change in product mix is:

    4 / 39

    35. The composite of products offered for sale by a firm or a business unit is termed as:

    5 / 39

    34. Which of the following is not a shopping good:

    6 / 39

    33.… is the centre of all marketing activities:

    7 / 39

    32. Product can be:

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    31. “A big company can use separate Brand for a particular product name.” What is your opinion about this statement?

    9 / 39

    30. ,”Product Item, Product Mix and Product Line are synonym to each other.” What do you think about this statement?

    10 / 39

    29. The life of a product is:

    11 / 39

    28. On the classification of adopters given by Rogers, smallest proportion is that of:

    12 / 39

    27. The customer category who are more price conscious conservation, best to adopt a new product are:

    13 / 39

    26. The process of introducing higher quality products by a manufacturer, whose low quality products are famous is termed as:

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    25. The third layer of the total product which is the psychological feeling about a product that influence a consumer purchase, known as:

    15 / 39

    24. Industrial goods include:

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    23. The category of consumer goods which are purchased frequently without making an effort as a habit is referred as:

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    22. , “Product Mix is the composite of products offered for sale by a firm or a business unit.” Who gave this definition of Product Mix?

    18 / 39

    21, Industrial products are those which are used by:………

    19 / 39

    20., “There is no difference between consumer products and industrial products.” Comment on this statement :

    20 / 39

    19. A strategy of increasing sales by improving existing products is:

    21 / 39

    18. Specific model, Brand or size of a product that a firm sells is known as:

    22 / 39

    17. When goods or services are used by ultimate consumers they are termed as:

    23 / 39

    16. Which statement is correct:

    24 / 39

    15. Number of average products in each product line, state its:

    25 / 39

    14. Products which are not included in industrial products:

    26 / 39

    13. Product line refers to:

    27 / 39

    12. Product-mix structure includes:

    28 / 39

    11. The factors affecting product mix are:

    29 / 39

    10. Customers of Consumer Products are:

    30 / 39

    9. According to Theodore Levitt, Dimensions of Product Concept are:

    31 / 39

    8. Which of the following is Dimension of Product Concept:

    32 / 39

    7. Who classify the product into consumer products, Industrial products and Defence products:

    33 / 39

    6. Product must satisfy:

    34 / 39

    5. Which of the following is Industrial Product:

    35 / 39

    4. Which of the following is consumer product:

    36 / 39

    4. Which of the following is consumer product:

    37 / 39

    3. “A product may be regarded from the marketing view-point as a bundle of benefits’ which are being offered to consumer.” This definition is of:

    38 / 39

    2. “A product concept is a bundle of utilities consisting of various product features and accompanying services.” This definition is of:

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    1. The term product cocept was firstly used by:

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