B.Com 3rd Year Principle of Marketing Online Test

  • Principle of Marketing Chapter 14th = Promotion Chapter – 2nd
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    Promotion Chapter - 2nd

    Promotion Chapter - 2nd

    1 / 107

    109, In UNCTAD IX which system was launched to promote world trade among developing countries:

    2 / 107

    108, “Most favoured Nation Treatment” is the fundamental principle of____

    3 / 107

    107. Which one of the following is not globalisation:

    4 / 107

    106, The organisation whose primary purpose is to provide financial and technical assistance for the development of poorer countries is the:

    5 / 107

    105, Which of the following is not in ‘ASEAN’ grouping

    6 / 107

    104. Which one of the following is not the basic needs according to ‘Maslow’:

    7 / 107

    103, Which one of the foreign entry method has maximum risk but maximum potential reward?

    8 / 107

    102, The study of human population in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, occupation and other statistics is called:

    9 / 107

    101. SLEPT” Stand for:

    10 / 107

    100. The technologial environment refers to new technology, new product and new market, which one is not  the part of technological Environment

    11 / 107

    99. Which of the following is not a part of privatisation:

    12 / 107

    98. Which is the right sequence of a stage of Internationalisation:

    13 / 107

    97, Which one is not the technique of Environmental analysis of international marketing.

    14 / 107

    96, When an importing country sets limits on the amount of goods it will accept in certain product categories it is called

    15 / 107

    95. Which of the following is not the part of external international marketing Environment:

    16 / 107

    94, The process of collecting information about International External Environment is___

    17 / 107

    93. Capitalist, Communistic and Democratic are the types of:

    18 / 107

    92. E.P.R.G. framework has been given by____

    19 / 107

    91. In ‘E.P.R.G.’ framework “Ethnocentric” means____

    20 / 107

    90. MNC are often associated with which of the following.

    21 / 107

    89. The function of financial Leverage is:

    22 / 107

    86. Recently Finance Minister declare M.E.P. different product. What does it mean:

    23 / 107

    85. Which is not the “direct advantage” of Internationl Trade on economic development:

    24 / 107

    84. ETOP Stands for

    25 / 107

    83. Gallup and Robinson Test” is related to:

    26 / 107

    82, Which of the following is not the activities of Public Relation Department:

    27 / 107

    81, Which Statement is not true:

    28 / 107

    80, ____is a bilateral trade agreement between two nations, under which a nation imports from another country on the condition that other country will import product of same value from the first country:

    29 / 107

    79,  ___is the payment method most often used in international trade which offers the exporter best assurance of being paid for products sold the internationally:

    30 / 107

    78. Key factor that control global marketing is:

    31 / 107

    77, The word O.G.L. (Open General Licence) is related to which of the following option :

    32 / 107

    76, There are four categories of export house. Which one require to export maximum amount

    33 / 107

    75, Pricing Strategy is an important part of fixing the international price. Which of the following is not the part of price strategy:

    34 / 107

    74, “Skimming the Cream” Strategy is also known as____

    35 / 107

    73. Is not the part of “export price quotation”:

    36 / 107

    72, “Rolls Royce” an international car company uses which of the following distribution channel formats:

    37 / 107

    71. The main source of supply of Foreign Exchange is____

    38 / 107

    70. Costs that does not vary with production or sales level is called___.

    39 / 107

    69. Sale of a good abroad at a price which is lower than the selling price of the same goods at the same time in the same circumstances at home is called____.

    40 / 107

    68, A form of tax which is levied on the value of each of the processes carried out by a business is called:

    41 / 107

    67, Portfolio Investment is a form of foreign investment. Which one of the following is not the part of portfolio Investment?

    42 / 107

    66. Foreign Exchange transactions are controlled by:

    43 / 107

    65, Methods of allocating advertising budget for international firm are given below. Which one of the following is not method of budget:

    44 / 107

    64. D.E.P.B. stands for:

    45 / 107

    63. Government of India established its first Export Processing Zone at in 1965?

    46 / 107

    62. , A company faces several decisions in International marketing. The first of these decision is_____,

    47 / 107

    61, 4 P’s Stand for_____>

    48 / 107

    60,  ____is the starting point for the entire marketing programme of a nation:

    49 / 107

    59. Which of the following is not the characteristic of ‘International brand’?

    50 / 107

    58. An international marketing philosophy “a good product will sell itself is characteristic of___

    51 / 107

    57. Which is not the barrier of “advertising standardization”?

    52 / 107

    56. Which is a bundle of utilities consisting of various product features and accompanying services.

    53 / 107

    55. Which is not the part of “international promotion policy’?

    54 / 107

    54. Which one is not the export promotion agency in India?

    55 / 107

    53. International business models are:

    56 / 107

    52. The major advantage of survey research is its.

    57 / 107

    51. Global presence of gaint multinational corporations is evidence for the existence of globalisation.

    58 / 107

    50. Segmenting markets by using attitudiral and behavioural characteristics is__

    59 / 107

    49. The last stage in the selling process is the stage:

    60 / 107

    48. Which one of the following is not the part of Cultural Environment?

    61 / 107

    47, The full benifit from international trade/marketring is possible when:

    62 / 107

    46, There are many types of organisational forms. Which of the following is not a type of organisation form:

    63 / 107

    45. “Hard Currency” means:

    64 / 107

    44, For the development of infrastructure in our country Government of India develop “B.O.T.” model. What BOT means:

    65 / 107

    43. Which one of the following is not the Industrial Association of India:

    66 / 107

    42. Assertion A: “Green Card” gives certain privileges to the card holder.

    Reason R: Green card provide Automatic custom clearance.

    67 / 107

    41, The first and important environmental force to be monitor in International business is:

    68 / 107

    40. Which of the following is one of the major force that a business firm must monitor in International business:

    69 / 107

    39, International marketing environment can be best defined as:

    70 / 107

    38. Which of the following is a part of the study of political environment?

    71 / 107

    37. Which of the following force helps in shaping people’s standard of living?

    72 / 107

    36. Which of the following force helps to understand the environment of a particular region?

    73 / 107

    35. All of the following are an important component of the political environment except:

    74 / 107

    34. To a marketer understanding of culture is important because:

    75 / 107

    33, Which of the following is a trend of political legal environment?

    76 / 107

    32. Which of the following is not a demographic variable market segmentation?

    77 / 107

    31. Which of the following is not included in the dimension, in which a market cluster can be profiled?

    78 / 107

    30. Which of the following is considered a first step in identifying the market segment:

    79 / 107

    29. Which of the following statement is false in defining niche marketing?

    80 / 107

    28, International marketing environment consists of which of the following?

    81 / 107

    27. All of the following are not a part of the macro environment of International business except:

    82 / 107

    26. All of the following are not a part of the micro environment of International business except.

    83 / 107

    25. Purchasing power of an ndividual depends upon which of the following:

    84 / 107

    24. All of the following are a determinants of purchasing power of an individual except:

    85 / 107

    23. Language-the media of communication is an important component of which of the following:

    86 / 107

    22. A concept which encompasses different values, customs and different norms is called:

    87 / 107

    21. Which of the following variable is not included in the demographic environment?

    88 / 107

    20. Anthropological factors, which influences international marketing operations belong to:

    89 / 107

    19. The factors which indirectly affect the international business operations of a business firms are:

    90 / 107

    18. The factors which directly affect the International business operations of a business firm are:

    91 / 107

    17. Which of the following is not included in the P’s marketing mix?

    92 / 107

    16, The concept of multinational corporation is associated with which of the following?

    93 / 107

    15. A study of EPRG Frame work stands for which of the following:

    94 / 107

    14, In which type of orientation/Attitude a multinational company never identify itself with a particular country:

    95 / 107

    13, In which of the following attitude-oriented, the emphasis is given to the host countries for employing top managers and for taking international marketing decisions:

    96 / 107

    12, In which of the following attitudes/Orientation, the emphases is given to the home market for International decision making and other business activities:

    97 / 107

    11. Which of the following is not a major trade organisation?

    98 / 107

    10. Which of the following is not included in the term SWOT analysis of a multinational corporation:

    99 / 107

    9. Which of the following is not included in the major of international marketing environment?

    100 / 107

    8, Today’s thrust for growth in International from which of the followings?

    101 / 107

    7, Which of the following is not a business offer for at company to enter into foreign market?

    102 / 107

    6. The term Quota is associated with:

    103 / 107

    5. Which one among the following is a formulated obstruction in the way of international government marketing.

    104 / 107

    4. Which of the following is not a element of international marketing.

    105 / 107

    3. Which of the following term define international marketing?

    106 / 107

    2. Indirect exporting is suitable when:

    107 / 107

    1, Frenchising is also known as:

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