B.Com 3rd Year Principle of Marketing Online Test

  • Principle of Marketing Chapter 12th = Distribution Channels
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    Distribution Channels

    Distribution Channels

    1 / 50

    50. On the basis of ownership, the retailer may be:

    2 / 50

    49, Decentralised buying with centralised selling is a feature of:

    3 / 50

    48. VMS’ means:

    4 / 50

    47. The ability of one channel member to influence another members marketing decision and goal achievement, called:

    5 / 50

    46. A functional middleman, who represent buyers sellers on a permanent basis, are:

    6 / 50

    45. Which policy of distribution forces its intermediaries to buy its all product items:

    7 / 50

    44. Shortest channel of distribution is:

    8 / 50

    43. Middleman when generally handle the goods he sells but does not own them, are:

    9 / 50

    42. The policy where a manufacturer seeks to use as many outlets as possible in many places as possible like convenience goods, referred as:

    10 / 50

    41. The selection of distribution channels is determined by:

    11 / 50

    40. The main functions of distribution channel are:

    12 / 50

    39. Distribution channel is an important element of:

    13 / 50

    38. Which statement is not true:

    14 / 50

    37. “Wholeseller sells to retailers or other merchants and or industrial, institutional and commercial user, they do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers.” This statement is of:

    15 / 50

    36. Producer → Whole seller → Retailer → Consumer. This indicater is:

    16 / 50

    35. Which factor affects the distribution channel?

    17 / 50

    34. The functions of Distribution Channels are:

    18 / 50

    33. The selection of distribution channel is determined basis of:

    19 / 50

    32., “Middlemen and agents are nothing but social parasites and sooner they are eliminated the better for society.” This statement is of:

    20 / 50

    31. Which of the following is Key link between producer and Retailer?

    21 / 50

    30. “Marketing Channels are the distribution network through which producer’s product flow to the market.” This definition is given by:

    22 / 50

    29. “Retailing consists of those activities involved in selling directly to ultimate consumer.” This statement is:

    23 / 50

    28. Main function of whole saler is:

    24 / 50

    27. Main advantage of Indirect distribution is:

    25 / 50

    26. Number of retail stores handling similar lines of merchandise under a common ownership and management is called:

    26 / 50

    25. A big store engaged in the retail trade of wide variety of article under the same roof, is called:

    27 / 50

    24, “A retail intermediary is a business unit that sells to the consumers.” This statement is of:

    28 / 50

    23. Which statement is not correct:

    29 / 50

    22. Which of the following is not characteristic of retailer:

    30 / 50

    21. Retailer is chain between:

    31 / 50

    20. Retailing includes all forms of selling to ultimate consumers.” This statement is of:

    32 / 50

    19. Which of the following is not the characteristic wholesaler:

    33 / 50

    18. Whole seller renders services towards:

    34 / 50

    17. Functional middlemen includes:

    35 / 50

    16. Which of the following is involve in wholesale trade:

    36 / 50

    15. Wholesaler is chain between:

    37 / 50

    14. Which of the following is to be said wholesaler on the basis of territory:

    38 / 50

    13. Main disadvantage of direct distribution is:

    39 / 50

    12. Which of the following is not the function of Channels of Distribution:

    40 / 50

    11. Which factor affects the choice of channel of Distribution:

    41 / 50

    10. Which factor affects the choice of Channel of Distribution:

    42 / 50

    9, Which of the following is not the method of Direct Distribution System:

    43 / 50

    8. Which of the following is the method of Direct Distribution System:

    44 / 50

    7. Which of the following is not the method of Direct Distribution System:

    45 / 50

    6. According to William J. Stanton, types of distribution channels for Industrial Goods are:

    46 / 50

    5. According to William J. Stanton, types of distribution channels for consumer goods are:

    47 / 50

    4. According to Philip Kotler, types of distribution channels are:

    48 / 50

    3. According to R. S. Davar, types of distribution channels are:

    49 / 50

    2. “Channels of distribution are paths consisting of economic institutions through which a producer of goods delivers his products into the hands of ultimate consumers.” This statement is of:

    50 / 50

    1, “Any sequence of institutions from the producer to the consumer, including none or any number of middlemen is called a channel of distribution.” This definition is of:

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