Business Communication Letters Notes



Q. 9. Distinguish among inquiry letter, quotation letter and order letters.

Ans. Difference Among Enquiry Letter, Quotation

Letter and Order Letter

No. Basis of Difference Enquiry Letter Quotation Letter Order Letter
1. Writer This type of letter is written by a person who wants to purchase goods. Written by the person who wants to sell his goods. Written by the purchaser of the goods.
2. Purpose The purpose of writing these letters is to get information about the price, quantity, availability of goods to be purchased or about the terms of sale, etc. These letters provide information regarding the prices, discount, delivery, etc. The purpose of writing these letters is to place an order for the required goods.
3. Form It is in the form of request letters. It is a persuasive letter. It comes under a good newsletter.
4. Language These letters are written in very polite language. These are written in polite language. These are written in the straight forward language.

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