Q. 7. What do you understand by request letter? Give an example of a request letter.
Ans. Request Letter: The letter which is written in the ordinary course of business activities to get a specific response from the reader is known to request a letter. The business organization has to write letters for getting things done through others. It may be to make an inquiry regarding goods, to receive goods letters written may be of following types:
- Requesting routine information related to the product
- Request to get agency dealerships.
- Request for a loan from a bank or a financial institution.
- Asking customers to give their opinion.
- Request letter to establish a relationship with formal customers etc.
Example of request letter :
Request for Agency
Prachi Electronic
New Mandi
Reference: 375/Agency
Date: 28 June 2013
The General Manager
L.G. Electronics Ltd.
New Delhi-32
Sub. : Request for the dealership in electronic items.
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to know that you are manufacturing electronic items under the trademark ‘L.G. Here in Muzaffarnagar, we are running an electronic store for the last 10 years. We are dealing with a large variety of electronic goods. There is a great demand for new models and items of electronics. We, therefore are interested in getting a dealership of electronic items of a reputed manufacturer like you.
Please, let me know at the earliest the terms and conditions regarding the above said agency business so that I could think of joining you. It remains to state again that in case an opportunity for the sale of a product if once be given, your concern shall also be benefited to the desired extent.
Thanking you and expecting a favorable response.
Yours faithfully,
Shalini Singh