Business Communication Letters Notes


Q. 3. What do you mean by middle paragraph and concluding paragraph?

Ans. Middle Paragraph: Once the opening paragraph has achieved its aim of arresting the reader’s interest, further work is easy. The middle paragraph, on the body of the letter, should now give the details of the important points mentioned in the opening paragraph. It has to give basic information about the applicant.

(a) Education, with grades, classes, ranks, and scholarship obtained (if there is nothing extraordinary about grades, classes, etc. golden silence would probably be the best).

(b) Physical or health details: Date of birth and age, height and weight, and general health condition.

(c) Marital status.

(d) Experience (with the reason for leaving the job, if that reason is not going to adversely affect the prospective employer’s consideration of the application).

(e) Languages knew: Specific hint about the knowledge of reading, writing, and speaking in each language to be given.

(f) Nationality, wherever it is specifically asked for.

(g) Testimonials: Copies of testimonials to be attached to the letter, a note to that effect should be made here.

(h) Reference: It is always preferable to mention at least two personal names and addresses to whom the prospective employees can refer the case for obtaining information about the applicant’s industry, honesty, sincerity, integrity of character, etc.

Concluding Paragraph: The writer of an application letter seeks an interview with a prospective employer. Having told how and why the prospective employer could benefit from Suiter’s qualifications and experience, the concluding paragraph should now strongly suggest to the introspective employer to ‘act’, i.e. grant an interview. It is here that many writers commit the words that would win them the sympathy of the prospective employee, e.g.

(a) If given an opportunity to serve in your esteemed concern, I assure you of my best service to my supervisors.

(b) I request you to be kind enough to give me an opportunity to serve in your reputed firm.

(c) If appointed, I shall always endeavor to satisfy my officers under whom I would be required to work.

You should remember that jobs are not given in charity. The prospective employer will grant you an interview only if he finds you suitable for the post and not out of sympathy’. So just be simple and direct in asking for an interview. The following closing is quite effective: .

(a) May I have a 15-minute interview in which to substantiate these statements and to answer your further questions?

(b) Although I have gone into considerable detail in this letter, there are probably questions that you still want to be answered. May I come in for an interview? You may reach me at the address or mobile number given at the top of my personal record sheet.

(C) I hope to hear from you soon.

(d) I look forward to an opportunity to be with you at your convenience.

(e) I should greatly appreciate an opportunity to convince you that my service would be a’sfound investment.

Q. 4. What do you mean by resume? How will you prepare an effective resume? Explain with example.

Ans. Resume: A resume is a written summary of one’s educational qualifications and experience. It is a method of presentation through which a candidate presents his life achievement, personal detail and academic qualifications to the possible employer. The resume provides maximum information about the candidate in an impressive way. These resumes very help the organization in shortlisting the prospective employees.

Resumes should be written in such a way that it must attract the eye of a busy employer. A handwritten resume does not produce so good an impression as a typed one.

The layout of the Resume: Though there is no fixed rules and set performa in designing a resume, yet Murphy Hilder and Thomas divided the contents of resumes as follows:

  1. Opening Section: This part contains the candidate’s name and address, his job objectives and basic qualification which are necessary for the prospective job.
  2. Academic Qualification: In this part, the applicant gives specific details about his educational qualification starting from high school and afterward. This part contains the name and address of school and college, board and university with a year of passing, marks obtained, etc.
  3. Working Experience: This part contains information related to the work experience. This part should be written very carefully as it indicates the position of responsibility of the applicant and skill that he has gained through his work experience. This part evaluates whether the candidate’s background matches the job.
  4. Achievements and Awards: This part gives information about the achievement, awards, scholarship, prizes, etc. gained by the applicant.
  5. Personal Data: This part contains necessary details about the candidate such as age, religion, sex, marital status, nationality, etc. Candidate can write about his hobbies games, sports etc. in this part.
  6. References: The resume must contain references of two or three important persons whom the prospective employer can contact if he wants detailed information about the applicant.

Format of the Resume



Q. 5. Explain the functions or importance of business letters.

Ans. Business letters are highly useful in introducing trade relations and promoting business transactions. They provide inexpensive and convenient means of communication without personal contact, provide evidence of transaction and help in creating good impressions and goodwill. Main functions or importance of business letters can be summarised as given below:

  1. Widen Contracts: It is not possible for a business firm to send its representatives to each and every place of its connections. But it can approach all persons through letters. Thus, letters help the business to widen the area of operation.
  2. Provide Record and Reference: Letters provide a permanent record of dealings with customers, suppliers and other associated parties. These can be preserved for future reference also.
  3. Evidence of Contracts: Business letters act as a valid document and evidence of the contracts between the two parties. These can be used as a piece of documentary evidence in a court of law in case of disputes.
  4. Building Goodwill: A good business letter helps to make a good image of the business. It creates a positive image among the readers and wins the friendliness of other parties.
  5. Exchange of Information: With the help of letters, a business firm can exchange information about varied types with different parties. A business firm may send a letter enquiring about the credit status of a customer or it may send a reply to such an inquiry from other firms.

For quantity, terms and conditions of sales, availability of goods, etc., he writes a letter of inquiry to the sellers. While writing inquiry letters, the direct and straight forward approach should be used with a positive and confident tone. An inquiry letter should be written in a simple, clear and precise way saying about our requirement. At least, express your gratitude for the time, the reader has spent in reading the letter.

Q. 6. Give the differences between official letters and business letters.

Ans. Difference between Official Letters and Business Letters

S.No. Basis of Difference Official Letters


Business Letters
1. Object Government letters are exchanged between government officers or employees in connection with government work. These are written between businessmen in connection with business activities.
2. Language Official letters are written in straight forward, clear and orderly language. These letters are written in the flowery or skillful language.


3. Knowledge of laws and regulatons Knowledge of laws and regulations is necessary while writing these letters. Writing these letters do not require knowledge of the law.
4. Size of the letter These letters are written in a brief way. These letters can also be written in brief or long way.
5. Designation


In official letters correspondence is done not in the name of writer or receiver but by their designation. Business letters may be written by names or by designations of writer and the receiver.
6. Stamps Service stamps are used on official letters. Ordinary postage stamps are used on business letters.
7. Formality These letters are completely formal and are of serious nature. These letters are less formal and are more intimate.
8. Closeness of relations Emotions and personal relationship has no place in official letters In some business letters there maybe a touch of personal relationship.

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