BSc 1st Year

BSC Organic Chemistry Benzene structure Notes

BSC Organic Chemistry Benzene structure Notes BSC Organic Chemistry Benzene structure Notes:-   खण्ड ‘इ’ : विस्तृत उत्तरीय प्रश्न? प्रश्न 13. बेन्जीन की संरचना, केकुले संरचना के पक्ष में प्रमाण व कमियाँ तथा अनुनाद सूत्र का वर्णन कीजिए। अथवा बेन्जीन की संरचना की विवेचना कीजिए। अथवा (क) बेन्जीन की संरचना में निम्नलिखित को समझाइए – […]

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organic chemistry Important Long Question Answer

organic chemistry Important Long Question Answer organic chemistry Important Long Question Answer:- खण्ड ‘द’ : विस्तृत उत्तरीय प्रश्न?   प्रश्न 10. (अ) ऐल्किल हैलाइडों का विहाइड्रोहैलोजेनीकरण को इनकी क्रियाविधि दीजिए।  उत्तर : ऐल्किल हैलाइडों का विहाइड्रोहैलोजेनीकरण  किसी ऐल्किल हैलाइड में से हाइड्रोजन हैलाइड (HX) अणु के निष्कासित क्रिया को विहाइड्रोहैलोजेनीकरण कहते हैं। विहाइडोहैलोजेनीकरण क्रिया ऐल्किल

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BSC Organic Chemistry Long Question Answer

BSC Organic Chemistry Long Question Answer BSC Organic Chemistry Long Question Answer:- खण्ड ‘स’ : विस्तृत उत्तरीय प्रश्न? Q. 7. त्रिविम समावयवता क्या है? प्रकाशिक समावयवता से आप क्या है? लैक्टिक अम्ल तथा टार्टरिक अम्ल की प्रकाशिक समावयवता की विवेचना कीजिए। अथवा लैक्टिक अम्ल तथा टार्टरिक अम्ल के उदाहरण लेते हुए प्रकाशिक समावयवता की विस्तृत

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BSC Organic Chemistry Hybridization Benzene free radical Notes

BSC Organic Chemistry Hybridization Benzene free radical Notes BSC Organic Chemistry Hybridization Benzene free radical Notes:-   प्रश्न 1. निम्नलिखित में से किन्हीं तीन पर संक्षिप्त टिप्पणियाँ लिखिए  (1) अतिसंयुग्मन (हाइपरकॉन्जुगेशन) (II) प्रेरणिक प्रभाव (III) अनुनाद  (IV) वियोजन उत्तर :                       (I) अतिसंयुग्मन (बन्धहीन अनुनाद या हाइपरकॉन्जुगेशन) जब एक बहुबन्ध के ग-इलेक्ट्रॉन aC—H बन्ध के

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DNA Is Hereditary Material Assortment Zoology Question Answer

DNA Is Hereditary Material Assortment Zoology Question Answer   DNA Is Hereditary Material Assortment Zoology Question Answer :- In this post all the questions of the second part of zoology are fully answered. This post will provide immense help to all the students of BSc zoology. All Topic of zoology is discussed in detail in

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Law Of Independent Assortment Zoology Question Answer

Law Of Independent Assortment Zoology Question Answer   Law Of Independent Assortment Zoology Question Answer :- In this post all the questions of the second part of zoology are fully answered. This post will provide immense help to all the students of BSc zoology. All Topic of zoology is discussed in detail in this post.

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Law Of Segregation BSc Zoology Question Answer

Law Of Segregation BSc Zoology Question Answer   Law Of Segregation BSc Zoology Question Answer :- In this post all the questions of the second part of zoology are fully answered. This post will provide immense help to all the students of BSc zoology. All Topic of zoology is discussed in detail in this post.

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Mendels Laws BSc Zoology Question Answer Notes

Mendels Laws BSc Zoology Question Answer Notes   Mendels Laws BSc Zoology Question Answer Notes :- In this post all the questions of the second part of zoology are fully answered. This post will provide immense help to all the students of BSc zoology. All Topic of zoology is discussed in detail in this post.

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Endoplasmic Reticulum BSc Zoology Question Answer

Endoplasmic Reticulum BSc Zoology Question Answer   Endoplasmic Reticulum BSc Zoology Question Answer :- In this post all the questions of the second part of zoology are fully answered. This post will provide immense help to all the students of BSc zoology. All Topic of zoology is discussed in detail in this post.    

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Golgi Body BSc Zoology Question Answer Notes

Golgi Body BSc Zoology Question Answer Notes   Golgi Body BSc Zoology Question Answer Notes :- In this post all the questions of the second part of zoology are fully answered. This post will provide immense help to all the students of BSc zoology. All Topic of zoology is discussed in detail in this post.

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