Business Corporate communication Notes


Q. 3. What is informal communication? Distinguish between formal and informal communication.

Ans. Informal Communication: By his very nature man cannot always have a highly formalized or regimented living. Logically he cannot and will not always communicate through formal channels alone. Side by side with the formal channel of communication, every organization has an equally effective channel of communication that is the informal channel. It is not officially sanctioned and quite often it is even discouraged or looked down upon. But, then, it is very much there and has been given the name ‘grapevine’ precisely because it runs in all directions horizontal, vertical, diagonal. As the management experts put it as: “It flows around water coolers, down hallways, through lunch rooms and wherever people get together in groups.”

It shows that people are almost always looking forward to an opportunity to get together. Man is essentially gregarious by nature. The lower we go down the pyramid of the organization the more manifest this gregariousness becomes. There are strong socio-psychological reasons for it. The most important reason is the intense, irrepressible desire to communicate, to talk, to share one’s feeling and thought, or just to gossip or to indulge in small talk. This gossip or small talk may and very often, does carry some important information. It may even ‘Manufacture’ some piece of information and get the rumor mill working. Every organization has a rumor mill. Every worker, every office goer and above all every manager has to get used to it.

The distinction between formal and informal communication (see above Q. no. 2.).


Q. 4. Why is a group discussion held? Explain guidelines for effective participation in a group discussion.

Ans. Group Discussion: A group refers to two or more persons who interact for a common purpose primarily through oral communication. Group discussions are often held for solving some problems, to take a decision, to select a candidate for higher studies and for many other purposes.

In a group discussion, the size of a group is generally small consisting of eight to twelve persons. The members of the group generally sit in a circle. The examiner assigns a topic to the group for discussion. He/She does not participate in the discussion. Rather he/she sits back, observes the members participating and notes down the marks/grade to be assigned to them on the basis of their performance.

Guidelines for Effective Participation in a Group Discussion: The following guidelines are helpful for effective participation in a group discussion :

  1. Develop and sharpen your speaking and interpersonal skills. Clear thinking good expression and other verbal and non-verbal skills are important for a group discussion.
  2. Prepare yourself and have a thorough understanding of the subject on which you are asked to speak Since the topic of discussion is unknown, familiarise yourself with the most important topics under current affairs. This can be done by reading daily newspapers, magazines and watching news and discussion on TV.
  3. Learn how to analyze the subject, argue your case while adhering to the time limit.
  4. A group discussion requires co-operation and co-ordination on the part of the participants who are expected to work as a team. Any kind of hostile attitude by any one of the parties against the spirit of co-operation and would hamper effective discussion. Therefore, every participant has to subordinate his ego to the larger objective of working together and completing the discussion within the specified time.
  5. A person participating in a group discussion should carry a pen and a paper unless asked otherwise. It is better to think through the main issues in the topic of discussion before starting speaking
  6. Unless you are fully prepared on the topic, allow someone else to start the discussion. One can get noticed even when one is not first to speak.
  7. Listen carefully to what other participants are saying. You may quote others while supporting and criticizing them.
  8. There is more than one way of entering the discussion. You may begin by appreciating a point made earlier. Alternatively, you may express disagreement with someone’s argument and mold the discussion in his own way.
  9. Maintain yourself cool while speaking. Losing temper does not yield the best results therefore, be normal and talk naturally.
  10. There should be a free flow of ideas in a group discussion. As all participants are keen to speak, there is likely to be chosen in a group discussion. But speaking, in turn, is not desirable as it hampers a natural discussion.
  11. Summarise the discussion at the end by restating your view as well as a dissenting view. Do not force a consensus.

BBA Business Low Question Paper 2018-2020



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