Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Important Question Answer For BCA 3rd Semester
Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Important Question Answer For BCA 3rd Semester: in this article have most important question for bca 3rd semester computer archeitecure and assembly language.
this post is very helpful for BCA 2nd semester students. in this post, we will learn about all the most important questions for BCA 2nd semester. that’s very important for examination. if this post is helpful for you please share this post to your all friends. thanks. if you want to another subject BCA important questions and BCA notes you can go to this link. BCA Notes.
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Section – A
Very Short Question
1), What is the Cache Memory?
Cache Memory:
- It is the memory that is very nearest to the CPU, all recent instructions are stored in the cache memory.
- Cache memory is attached for storing the input which is given by the user. and which is necessary for the CPU to perform a task.
- If the processor finds the address code data is not available in cache memory that is referred to as Cache Miss.
2), What is the Peripheral Device?
Peripheral Devices:
- Input or Output devices that are connected to computers are called peripheral devices. there are three types of peripheral devices.
- Input Peripheral: allows user input from the outside world to the computer. EX – Keyword, Mouse, etc.
- Output Peripheral: Allow Information output from the computer to the outside world. Ex- printer, monitor, etc.
- Input/Output Peripheral: Allow both input/output devices.
3), Define Computer Register?
Computer Register:
- A Register is a group of flip-flops.
- Register store binary info.
- Register connected with direct CPU processor.
- Register is size very smallest.
- Register is very fast Memory.
- Register is very costly.
List of Register for the Basic Computer:
Reg. Symbol |
NO. of Bits | Reg. Name |
Function |
DR | 16 | Data Register | Hold Memory Operand. |
AR | 12 | Address Register | Holds Address for memory. |
AC | 16 | Accumulator | Processor Register |
IR | 16 | Instruction Register | Hold Instruction Code |
PC | 12 | Program Counter | Holds address of instruction. |
TR | 16 | Temporary Register | Holds address of instruction. |
INPR | 8 | Input Register | Holds input character. |
OUTR | 8 | Output Register | Holds output Character. |
4), What is the interface?
Interface: In computing, an interface is a shared boundary across which two or more separate components of a computer system exchange information. The exchange can be between software, computer hardware, peripheral devices, humans, and combinations of these.
in other words, when two or more components of a computer system exchange/share/receive information or communicate with each other. it’s called Interface.
5), Give the advantages of Using Booth’s Algorithm.
Booth’s Algorithm:
6), Distinguish between fixed point and floating point representation.
Section – B
Short Question
1), What is the Priority Interrupt?
2), Explain Direct Memory Access (DMA)?
3), what is the Instruction.
4), What is the instruction cycle?
5), Discuss the basic computer organization.
6), What is the stack organization?
7), Give the Difference between RISC and CISC.
Section – C
Long Question
1), What is the Booth’s Algorithm? Multiply 24 and -7 using Booth’s Algorithm.
2), Explain IOP (Input Output Processor) in details.
3), Differentiate between Hardwired Control and Micro Programmed Control unit.
4), Write short note on: –
- Synchronous data transfer
- Serial Communication.
- Index Register Asynchronous data Transfer.
5), What is the assembler? And what is the assembly language.
6), What is the instruction code? Give the format of instruction code.
7), What is the register? Explain general purpose and special purpose register.
8), Explain: –
- Vector Processing
- Array Processing
- Parallel Processing
9), Explain Microprocessor 8085. And give the Pin-Diagram of 8085 microprocessor.
10), what is the addressing mode. Explain direct and indirect addressing mode.
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