BBA Syllabus Course Content For All Semester CCSU

BBA Syllabus Course Content For All Semester CCSU

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BBA-301: Advertising Management
BBA-302: Indian Banking System
BBA-303: Human Resource Management
BBA-304: Marketing Management
BBA-305: Company Accounts
BBA-306: Company Law


BA-301: Advertising Management


Unit – I : Advertising: Introduction, Scope, importance in business: Role of advertising in  social and economic development of India: Ethics and truths in Indian Advertising.


Unit – II  Integrated  Communication   Mix   (IMC)-meaning,   importance;   Communication meaning, importance, process, communication mix- components, role in marketing, Branding-meaning, importance in advertising.


Unit – III : Promotional objectives – importance determination of promotional objectives, setting objective DAGMAR; Advertising Budget importance, establishing the budget-approaches allocation of budget.


Unit – IV   :   Advertising Copy-meaning components types of advertising copy, importance of creativity in advertising; Media planning-importance, strategies, media mix.


Unit – V : Advertising  research  –  importance,  testing  advertising  effectiveness  market testing for ads; International Advertising-importance, international Vs local advertising.



Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Advertisingand Promotion George Beich& Michael A. Belch. T.M.H.
  2. Advertising Management, Conceptand Cases Manendra Mohan, TMH
  3. Advertising Management Rajeev Batra, PHI


BBA-302: Indian Banking System


Unit – I  Indian Banking System : Structure and organization of banks; Reserve bank of  India; Apex banking institutions; Commercial banks; Regional rural banks; Co- operative banks; Development banks.


Unit – II    :   State Bank of India: Brief History; Objectives Functions; Structure and organization; Working and progress.


Unit – III  :   Banking Regulation Act, 1949: History; Social Control; Banking Regulation   Act as applicable to banking companies and public sector banks; Banking Regulation Act as applicable to Cooperative banks.


Unit – IV    :   Regional Rural and Co-operative banks in India: Functions; Role of regional rural and co-operative bank in rural India; Progress and performance.


Unit – V     :   Reserve Bank of India; Objectives; Organization; functions and working; monetary policy credit control measures and their effectiveness.



Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Basu K. : Fundamentals of banking- Theory and Practice; A. Mukherjee and Co.,Calcutta
  2. Sayers S.: Modern Banking; Oxford University, Press.
  3. Panandikar, G. and Mithani D.M.: Bankingin India; Orient Longman
  4. Reserve Bank of India : Functionsand Working
  5. Dekock: Central Banking; Crosby Lockwood Staples, London
  6. Tennan L.: Banking-Lawand Practicein India; India law House, New Delhi.


BBA-303: Human Resource Management


Unit – I : Introduction to HRM & HRD Concept of HRM, Objectives, Process, HRM vs. Personnel Management, HRM Vs. HRD, Objectives of HRD, focus of HRD System, Structure of HRD System, role of HRD manpower.


Unit – II : Human Resource Policies & Strategies Introduction, role of HR in strategic management, HR policies & Procedures, HR Programme., developing HR policies and strategies, Strategic control, Types of Strategic control, Operational Control System, Functional and grand strategies, Strategy factors.


Unit – III : Human Resource Procurement & Mobility Productivity & improvement job analysis & Job design, work measurement, ergonomics. Human Resource planning-objectives, activities, manpower requirement process Recruitment & Selection Career planning & development, traning methods, basic concept of performance appraisal. Promotion & Transfer.


Unit – IV : Employee Compensation  Wage  policy,  Wage  determination,  Wage  boar,  factors affecting wages & Salary, systems of payments, Job evaluation, components of wage/salary-DA, incentives, bonus, fringe benefits etc., Minimum  Wages   Act   1948,   Workmen Compensation Act 1923, Payment of bonus Act 1965.


Unit – V     :   Employee relations Discipline & Grievance handling types of trade unions, problems of trade unions


Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Human Resource Management- Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya
  2. Managing Human Resource-Arun Monappa
  3. Essentialof HRMand Industrial Relations-P.Subba Rao
  4. Personnel Management-C.B.Memoria


BBA-304: Marketing Management


Unit – I   :   Marketing: Definition, nature, scope & importance, Marketing Management,   Core concepts of marketing, selling concept, production concept, modern marketing concept, Societal marketing.


Unit – II : Segmentation: Concept, basis of segmentation, Importance  in  marketing;  Targeting: Concept Types, Importance; Positioning: Concept, Importance, Brand positioning, Repositioning.


Unit – III   :   Marketing Mix, Product Mix, New Product development, levels of product, types of product, Product lofe cycle, Branding and packaging. Distribution Concept, importance, different types of distribution channels etc.


Unit – IV    :   Price: Meaning, objective, factors influencing pricing, methods of pricing. Promotion, Promotional mix, tools, objectives, media selection & management.


Unit – V : Marketing Research: Importance, Process  &  Scope  Marketing  Information Systems: Meaning Importance and Scope Consumer Behavior: Concept, Importance and factors influencing consumer behavior.



Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Marketing by Philip Kotlar (PHI)
  2. Marketingby Etzet, Walker, Stanton
  3. Marketing Managementby Rajan Saxena


BBA-305: Company Accounts


Unit – I    :   Joint Stock Companies- its types and share capital, Issue, Forfuture and Re-    issue of shares, Redemption of preference shares, Issue and Redemption of Debenture.


Unit – II    :   Final  Accounts:     Including Computation of managerial Remuneration and disposal of profit.


Unit – III   :   Accounting for Amalgamation of companies as per Accounting Standard 14 Accounting for Internal reconstruction.


Unit – IV    :   Consolidated Balance Sheet of Holding Companies with one Subsidiary Only.

Unit – V     :   Liquidation   of   Company,   Statement   of   Affairs and Deficiency/Surplus, Liquid for final statement of A/c Receivers Receipt and Payment A/c.



Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Gupta L. Radhaswamy M, Company Accounts, Sultanchand&
  2. Maheshwari, N., Corporate Accounting, Vikas Publishing
  3. Monga R., Ahuja, Girish, and Sehgal Ashok, FinancialAccounting
  4. Shukla, C., Grewal T.s. and Gupta, S.C. Advanced Accounts, S. Chand& Co.
  5. Moore L. and Jaedicke R.K., Management Accounting


BBA-306: Compay Low 


Unit – I      :   Corporate Personality: Kinds of Company, Promotion and Incorporation of Companies.


Unit – II    :   Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association Prospectus.

Unit – III   :   Shares; Share Capital, Members, Share Capital- Transfer and Transmission, Directors-Managing Director, Whole Time Director.


Unit – IV    :   Capital Management-Borrowing powers, mortgages and charges, debentures, Company Meetings-kinds quorum, voting resolutions, minutes.


Unit – V     :   Majority    Powers    and   minority    Rights    Prevention    of    oppression    and mismanagement, winding up-Kinds and Conduct.



Suggested Reading Boooks :

  1. Grower C.B. Principles of Modern Company Law, Stevens & Sons, London
  2. Ramaiya Guidetothe Companies Act. Wadhwa& Co., Nagpu
  3. Singh, Avtar Company Law, Eastern Book , Lucknow
  4. Kuchal, C. Modern Indian Company Law, Sri Mahavir Books, Noida
  5. Kapoor, D. Company Law- Incorporating the Provisions of the Companies Amendment Act, 2000, Sultan& sons

BBA Business Low Question Paper 2018-2020

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