BBA Syllabus Course Content For All Semester CCSU

BBA Syllabus Course Content For All Semester CCSU

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BBA-201: Organisation Behaviour
BBA-202: Business Communication
BBA-203: Indian Economy
BBA-204: Business Statistics
BBA-205: Business Environment
BBA-206: Principles of Accounting


BBA-201: Organisation Behaviour


Unit – I   :   Introduction, nature and   scope   of   OB,   Challenges   and opportunities   for  OB, Organization Goals, Models of OB, Impact of Global and Cultural diversity on OB.


Unit – II  Individual  Behavior  –  Individual   behavior,   Personality,  Perception  and  its role in individual decision making, Learning, Motivation, Hierarchy of needs theory, Theory X and Y, Motivation- Hygine theory, Vrooms Expectancy theory


Unit – III : Behavior Dynamics: Interpersonal behavior, Communication, Transaction Analysis, The Johari Window, Leadership, Its Theories and Prevailing Leadership styles in Indian Organisations.


Unit – IV : Group Behavior: Definition and classification of Groups, Types of  Group Structures,   Group   decision    making,    Teams    Vs    Groups, Contemporary   issues    in    managing    teams,     Inter     group     problems in organizational group dynamics, Management of conflict.


Unit – V     :   Management of Change: Change and Organisational development, Resistance  to change, Approaches to managing organizational change, Organisational effectiveness, Organisational culture, Power and Politics in Organisational Quality of work life, Recent advances in OB.



Suggested Readings Books :

  1. Bennis, G. Organisation Development
  2. Breech Islwar Oragnaistion-theframe-Workof Management
  3. Dayal, Keith Organisational Development
  4. Sharma, A. Organisational Theoryand Behavior
  5. Prasad, M. Organisational Behavior


BBA-202: Business Communication


Unit – I      :   Meaning and objective of Business communication, Forms of Communication, Communication model and process, Principles of Effective Communication


Unit – II  :   Corporate   Communication:   Formal   and   Informal   Communication, Networks, Grapevine,  Barriers  in  Communication,  Groups  discussion,  Mock Interviews, Seminars, Individual and Group Presentations


Unit – III   :   Essential of effective Business letters, Writing Important Business letters including correspondence with Bank and Insurance companies.


Unit – IV  Oral  &  Non-verbal  communication:   Principles   of   Oral   Presentation   Factors affecting Presentation, effective Presentation skills, conducting Surveys.

Body Language, Para Language, Effective Listening, Interviewing skill, Writing resume and Letter or application


Unit – V : Modern forms of communication, International communication,  Cultural sensitiveness and cultural context, Writing and presenting in international situations.


Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Bapat& Davar A Textbookof Business Correspondence
  2. Bhende S. Business Communication
  3. David Berio The Process of Communication
  4. Gowd & Dixit Advance Commercial Correspondence
  5. Gurky M. A reader in human communication


BBA-203: Indian Economic


Unit – I Meaning  of  Economy,  Economic  growth  &  development,  characteristics  of  India Economy, Concepts of Human  development,  Factors  affecting economic development.


Unit – II  An overview of Economic Resources of India, Human Resources of India:  Concept of Population Explosion Interrelation of Population and economic development, Population policy of India, Problem of Unemployment in India.


Unit – III   :   Economic planning in India; Planning commission, Critical evaluation of current Five Year Plan.


Unit – IV  Problems and prospects of Indian Agriculture, agriculture development during  plan period. Position, Problems and Prospects of Large Scale Industries. (Iron, Steel, Sugar, Cotton, Textile)


Unit – V     :   Service and Entrepreneurial Sector, role of Commercial Bank and Financial Institutions, Role of Small Scale Industries in Indian Economy.


Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Kenes M. General Theory of Employment, Interest andMoney
  2. Brooman MacroEconomics
  3. Seth, .L. Monetary Theory
  4. Vaish, C. MonetaryTheory
  5. Singh, P. MacroEconomics


BBA-204: Business Statistics  


Unit – I      :   Statistics: Concept, significance & Limitation Type of Data, Classification & Tabulation, Frequency Distribution & graphical representation.


Unit – II    :   Measures  of Central Tendency      (Mean,     Medium,     Mode) Measures of Variation: Significance & Prosperities of a good measure of variation, Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation and Standard Deviation, Measures of Skewness & Kurtosis.


Unit – III   :   Correlation:   Significance   of    Correlation,   Types    of   correlation, Simple correlation, Scatter Diagram method, Karl Pearson Coefficient of Correlation, Regression: Introduction, Regression lines, and Regression Equation & Regression coefficient.


Unit – IV : Probability: Concept, Events, Addition Law, Conditional  Probability, Multiplication Law & Baye’s theorem [Simple numerical], Probability Distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal.


Unit – V     :   Sampling Method of sampling, Sampling and Non-sampling errors. Test of Hypothesis, Type- I and Type -II Errors, Large sample tests


Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Gupta, P.& Gupta, M.P. Business Statistics
  2. Levin, I. Statistics for Management
  3. Feud, E. Modern Elementary Statistics
  4. Elhance, N. Fundamentalsof Statistics
  5. Gupta, B. Introduction of Stastical Methods


BBA-205: Business Environment


Unit – I      :   Concept, Significance, Components of Business environment, Factor affecting Business Environment, Social Responsibilities of Business.


Unit – II    :   Economic Systems: Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Mixed Economy- Public Sector & Private Sector


Unit – III   :   Industrial Policy  -Its    historical    perspective    (In    brief);    Socio-economic implications of Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation.


Unit – IV    :   Role    of    Government    in    Regulation    and    Development    of Business; Monetary and Fiscal Policy; EXIM Policy, FEMA


Unit – V     :   Overview of International Business Environment, Trends in World Trade: WTO- Objectives and role in international trade.


Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Francis Cherunilum Business Environment
  2. Aswathapa Business Environment


BBA-206: Principles of Accounting

Unit – I : Accounting standards in India, Concept  of  GAAP  (Generally  Accepted  Accounting Principles) International Accounting Standards, Accounting for Price level changes.


Unit – II    :   Accounting of Non-trading Institutions, Joint Venture an Consignment.

Unit – III : Accounts of banking companies and General Insurance companies, Department and Branch account.


Unit – IV    :   Accounts related to Hire Purchase and Installment payment transactions, Royalty Accounts


Unit – V : Partnership Accounts: Final Account, Reconstitiution of Partnership  firms- admission, retirement and death of a partner, Dissolution of Partnership (Excluding insolvency of Partner).


Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Agarwal, D. Advanced Accounting
  2. Chawla& Jain Financial Accounting
  3. Chakrawarti, S. Advanced Accounts
  4. Shukla, B. Financial Analysisand Business Forecasting
  5. Jain& Naranag Advanced Accounts

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