BBA Syllabus Course Content For All Semester CCSU

BBA Syllabus Course Content For All Semester CCSU

BBA Syllabus Course Content For All Semester CCSU:- in this post-BBA Syllabus all semester for CCSU meerut all bba student  we are provided bba notes. bba 3 year course this course 6th semester all content for BBA Student 


Content in The Article




BBA-101: Business Organisation
BBA-102: Business Mathematics
BBA-103: Principles of Economics
BBA-104: Book Keeping and Basic Accounting
BBA-105: Business Laws
BBA-106: Fundamentals of Management
BBA-107: Business Ethics


BBA-201: Organisation Behaviour
BBA-202: Business Communication
BBA-203: Indian Economy
BBA-204: Business Statistics
BBA-205: Business Environment
BBA-206: Principles of Accounting


BBA-301: Advertising Management
BBA-302: Indian Banking System
BBA-303: Human Resource Management
BBA-304: Marketing Management
BBA-305: Company Accounts
BBA-306: Company Law


BBA-401: Consumer Behaviour
BBA-402: Financial Management
BBA-403: Production Management
BBA-404: Sales Management
BBA-405: Research Methodology
BBA-406: Operation Research


BBA-501: Managerial Economics
BBA-502: Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management
BBA-503: Income Tax
BBA-504: Cost and Management Accounting
BBA-505: Industrial Law
BBA-506: Fundamentals of Computer


BBA-601: International Trade
BBA-602: Strategic Management & Business Policy
BBA-603: Vat & Service Tax
BBA-604: Management Information System
BBA-605: Auditing
BBA-606: Fundamental of E-Commerce
BBA-008: Environmental Studies

BBA Syllabus Course Content For All Semester CCSU



BBA-101: Business Organisation
BBA-102: Business Mathematics
BBA-103: Principles of Economics
BBA-104: Book Keeping and Basic Accounting
BBA-105: Business Laws
BBA-106: Fundamentals of Management
BBA-107: Business Ethics




Unit – I    :   Meaning and definition of business essentials &  scope of business Classification  of  Business  Activities,   Meaning,   Definition, Characteristics and objectives of Business Organisation, Evolution of Business Organisation . Modern Business, Business &Profession.


Unit – II    :   Business Unit, Establishing a new business unit. Meaning of Promotion. Features for business, Plant location, Plant Layout & size of business unit.


Unit – III   :   Forms of Business Organisation. Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Stock Companies & Co-operatives.


Unit – IV    :   Business Combination Meaning Causes, Objectives, Types and Forms Mergers, Takeovers and Acquisitions.


Unit – V     :   Business Finance: Financial need of Business methods & sources of finance. Security Market, Money Market, Studyof Stock Exchange& SEBI.


Suggested Readings Books :-

  1. Chottorjee K. Business Organisation
  2. JagdishPrakash Business Organistatonand Management
  3. Om Prakash Business Organisation
  4. Sherlekar A. Business Organisationand Management
  5. Singh & Chhabra Business Organisation


BBA-102: Business Mathematics


Unit – I  Matrix:  Introduction,  Square  Matrix,  Row  Matrix,  Column  Matrix,  Diagonal  Matrix, Identity Matrix, Addition, Subtraction & Multiplication of  Matrix,  Use of Matrix in Business Mathematical Induction


Unit – II    :   Inverse of Matrix, Rank of Matrix, Solution to a system of equation by the adjoint matrix methods & Guassian Elimination Method.


Unit – III   :   Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Mathematical Series-Arithmetic, Geometric & Harmonic, Simple Interest & Compound Interest.


Unit – IV  :   Set theory- Notation of Sets, Singleton Set, Finite Set, Infinite Set, Equal Set   Null Set, Subset, Proper Subset, Universal Set, Union of Sets, Inter-section of Sets, Use of set theory in business, Permutation & Combination


Unit – V : Concept of Differentiation and  Integration,  Maxima  and  Minima  in Differentiation, Application of  Differentiation  &  Integration  in  Business (No proof of theorems. Etc)


Suggested Reading Books :-

  1. Mehta & Madnani Mathematicsfor Economics
  2. Mongia Mathematics for Economics
  3. Zamiruddin BusinessMathematics
  4. Raghavachari Mathematics for Management


BBA-103: Principles of Economic


Unit – I : Definition, Nature, Scope & Limitation of Economics as an art or Science.  Relevance of Economics in Business Management, Utility analysis, Marginal Theory of utilities and Equi-Marginal theory of utility.


Unit – II : Meaning of demand.  Demand  theory  and  objectives,  Demand  analysis.  Demand schedule. Demand Curve and Nature of Curves, Laws of Demand Elasticity of Demand Types & Measurement, Indifference curves analysis Consumer Equilibrium  &  Consumer  Surplus.  Price,  Income  and substitution effect.


Unit – III : Production-Meaning and Analysis Production function. Laws of production,  Laws of increasing returns & Laws of constant returns. Equal product curves and Producer equilibrium.


Unit – IV : Market analysis-Nature of market, Types of markets and their characteristics Pricing under different market structures-Perfect Monopoly, oligopoly and Monopolistic completion. Price discrimination under monopoly competition.


Unit – V : Theories of factor pricing, factor pricing v/s product pricing. Theories of rent theories of interest theories of wages theories of profit, Concept of profit maximization



Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Adhjkari M Management Economics
  2. Gupta S. Managerial Economics
  3. Lal M. Principles of Economics
  4. Vaish& Sunderm Principlesof Economics


BBA-104: Book keeping and Accounting


Unit – I   :   Meaning   of    book    keeping.    Process    of    book    keeping    and    accounting,    Basic     terminology     of     accounting,      subsidiary      books of  accounts,  Difference   between   accounting   &   book   keeping. Importance   &   Limitations   of   Accounting,   Various   users   of    Accounting   Information,   Accounting   Principles,   conventions    & Concepts.


Unit – II   :   Accounting   Equation,   Dual    Aspect    of    Accounting    Types    of accounting   Rules   of   debit   &   Credit,   Preparation   of    Journal    and Cash   book   including    banking    transaction,    Ledger    and    Trial  balance.


Unit – III   :   Rectification of errors preparation of bank reconciliation Statement, Bills of Exchange And promissory notes.


Unit – IV    :   Valuation of stocks, Accounting treatment of depreciation. Reserve and provision, Preparation of final accounts along with adjustment entries.


Unit – V     :   Issue of shares and debentures, Issue of bonus shares and right issue, Redemptioment preference shares and debentures.



Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Agarwal D. Advanced Accounting
  2. Chawla& Jain Financial Accounting
  3. Chakrawarti S. Advanced Accounts.
  4. Gupta L.& Radhaswamy Fundamentalsof Accounting
  5. Jain& Narang Advanced Accounts
  6. Shukla& Grewal Advanced Accounts


BBA-105: Business Lows


Unit – I : Indian Contract Act: Definition and essentials, Contracts agreements, Offer & Acceptance Consideration, Capacity of parties Free Consent, Performance of Contracts, Terminal of Contract, Consequence and Remedies of Contract terminal.


Unit – II    :   Contingent contract, Implied, Quasi contract, Indemnity Contract, Guarantee contract, Bailment, Lien, Pledge contract, Agency contract.


Unit – III : Sales of Goods Act: Sale contract-Definition, Features, Formation of Contract Contents of sale contract-Goods, Price, Condition and Warranty, Ownership of goods and transfer, Performance of sale contract, Delivery, Rights of unpaid sellers, Auction Sale.


Unit – IV : Indian Partnership Act: Definition and Nature of Partnership, Partnership deed Mutual and Third parties relation of Partners, Registration of Partnership Dissolution of Partnership.


Unit – V     :   Definition Features Types Recognition And Endorsement of Negotiable Instruments.



Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Dhanda PMV Commercialand Industrial Laws
  2. Kapoor D Elementsof Mercantilelaw(including Companing Law IndustrialLaw)
  3. Gulshan S and Kapoor Lectureson Business& Economics Laws
  4. Kuchall BusinessLaws
  5. Mandal Economicsandother Legislations


BBA-106 : Fundamentals of Management


Unit – I     :   Introduction     Concepts,      Objectives,      Nature      Scope      and  significance of management  Evolution  of  management  thought-  Contribution Taylor, Weber and Fayol management.


Unit – II    :   Planning: Concept, Objectives, Nature, Limitation, Process of planning, Importance, Forms, Techniques and Process of decision making.


Unit – III : Organizing:  Concept,  Objectives,  Nature  of  organizing,  Types  of Organization,    Delegation    of    authority,    Authority    and    responsibilities,    Centralization    and    Decentralization    Span     of   Control.


Unit – IV : Directing: Concept, Principles & Techniques of directing  and  Coordination Concept of leadership-Meaning. Importance, Styles, Supervision, Motivation Communication.


Unit – V     :   Controlling: Concept, Principles, Process and Techniques of Controlling, Relationship between planning and controlling.



Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Pagare Dinkar Principles of Management
  2. Prasad B M L Principlesand Practice of Management
  3. Satya Narayanand Raw VSPPrinciplesand Practiceof Management
  4. Srivastavaand Chunawalla Management Principlesand Practice


BBA-107: Business Ethics


Unit – I      :   Business Ethics- An overview-Concept, nature, evolving ethical values, Arguments against business Ethics.


Unit – II    :   Work life in Indian Philosophy: Indian ethos for work life, Indian values for the work place, Work-life balance.


Unit – III   :   Relationship between Ethics & Corporate Excellence-Corporate Ethics, Mission Statement, Code of  Ethics Organizational Culture, TQM.


Unit – IV    :   Gandhian Philosophy of Wealth Management-Philosophy of Trusteeship, Gandhiji’s Seven Greatest Social Sins


Unit – V  Corporate  Social  Responsibility-Social   Responsibility   of   business   with respect to different stakeholders, Arguments for and against Social responsibility of business, Social Audit.


Suggested Reading Books :

  1. Koltar, Philip Marketing Management
  2. Stanton, Etzel Walker, Fundamentals of Marketing
  3. Saxena Rajan Marketing Management
  4. McCarthy, FJ Basic Marketing

BBA Business Low Question Paper 2018-2020

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