BBA Indian Economy Question Paper 2018-2021

BBA Indian Economy Question Paper 2018-2021

BBA Indian Economy Question Paper 2018-2021:- All BBA 1st semester students’s we are provide the study material and question paper of BBA . and in this article you can find few year question paper. BBA Indian Economy Previous Year Question Paper 2020 today our team presented BBA Indian Economy previous year question paper for you practise. and special links related to the BBA Indian Economy and all subject question paper and study material. we provided mock paper, question paper, simple paper, unsold paper last five year question paper. BBA study in Indian Economy, Pmixed Economy, Infrastructure, economic planning, Industries  in India, Indian context, Planning Commission, Indian Economy. Business Environment. full BBA course three year degree course consists of Six semesters. the basic eligibility criterion for BBA dgree is qualifying 10+2 or equivalent examination in any stream from a recognized board of the country. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting programs combine the Economy of a business program with concentrated coursework in accounting. Find out what these programs entail and what students do after graduation. BBA subject Indian Economy Question Paper chapter wise notes study material, question paper, mock paper, sample paper, in this website study to BBA notes.

B.B.A. Examination 2021

Indian Economy


Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt all the section as per instructions.


(Very Short Questions)

Note : Attempt all the Five questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75words.


  1. What do you mean by the pmixed economy?
  2. Explain the term “Infrastructure”.
  3. Define economic planning.
  4. What is the meaning of agriculture productivity?
  5. What do you mean by financial institutions?


(Short Answer Questions)

Note : attempt any two question out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words.


  1. Distinguish between economic development and economic growth.
  2. What are the main functions of District Industries Centres (DICs)?
  3. Explain the problems of cotton textile industry in India.


(Detailed Answer Questions)

Note : Attempt any three questions out of the following five question. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail.


  1. “An economy cannot develop without the development of human capital,” discuss. Also explain the policy of the Governement of India regarding human development in the country.
  2. How is population related to economic development? Discuss it in Indian Context.
  3. Explain the organistional structure of Planning Commission of India. Discuss the functions of planning commission.
  4. What is the present status of sugar industry in India? Write the problems faced by this industry and also suggest measures to solve these problems.
  5. Discuss the role of small scale industries in India in the growth and development of Indian economy. What problems are being faced by these industries ? Explain the measures taken up by the Government to solve them.

BBA Bookkeeping Question paper

B.B.A. Examination, 2020

Indian Economy


Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt all the section as per instructions.


(Very Short Questions)

Note : Attempt all the Five questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75words.


  1. Define economic development.
  2. What do you mean by over population.
  3. What is economic planning?
  4. Explain the features of Indian Agriculture.
  5. What is bank rate?


(Short Answer Questions)

Note : attempt any two question out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words.


  1. Distinguish between capitalism and socialism.
  2. “Service sector occupies a key position in Indian economy” comment.
  3. Explain the cause of low agricultural productivity in India.



(Detailed Answer Questions)

Note : Attempt any three questions out of the following five question. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail.


  1. What is economy? Discuss the main characteristics of Indian economy. Is India a developed country?
  2. What is unemployment? Discuss the main problems of unemployment in India and also suggest measures to solve this problem.
  3. Discuss the objective and priorities of the eleventh five year plan of India.
  4. What are the problems faced by the iron and steel industry in India? Suggest measures to solve these problems.
  5. Evaluate the role of industrial development bank of india in the development of Indian economy.

BBA Bookkeeping Question paper


B.B.A. Examination, 2019

Indian Economy


Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt all the section as per instructions.


(Very Short Questions)

Note : Attempt all the Five questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75words.


  1. What do you unbalanced growth?
  2. What is meant by infrastructure?
  3. Define economic planning.
  4. What do you mean by green revolution?
  5. What do you understand by cottage industry?


(Short Answer Questions)

Note : attempt any two question out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words.


  1. What are the main functions of district industries centres?
  2. Define the concept of poverty. How can it be measured?
  3. Write a short note on green revolution.



(Detailed Answer Questions)

Note : Attempt any three questions out of the following five question. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail.


  1. What do you understand by an underdeveloped economy? Describe important characteristics of such an economy.
  2. Explain the role of natural resources in the economic development of a country. How can the resources of a country be made more effective?
  3. What are the benefits provided for rural development in eleventh five year plan?
  4. Explain the organisational structure of planning commission of India. Discuss the functions of planning commission.
  5. Explain salient features of small scale industrial policy, 1991. What further changes have since been made in it?


BBA Bookkeeping Question paper

B.B.A. Examination, 2018

Indian Economy


Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt all the section as per instructions.


(Very Short Questions)

Note : Attempt all the Five questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75words.


  1. Define the term economic growth.
  2. Define the term productivity.
  3. What do you mean by economic planning?
  4. Explain the term industrial sickness.
  5. What do you mean by financial institutions?


(Short Answer Questions)

Note : attempt any two question out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words.


  1. “India is a rich country”. Explain.
  2. Explain the problems of cotton textile industry in India.
  3. Differentiate between co-operative and collective farming.


(Detailed Answer Questions)

Note : Attempt any three questions out of the following five question. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail.


  1. What is economic growth and development? How these differ from each other?
  2. Explain population policy of India.
  3. What do you mean by economic planning? Explain the need of economic planning in Indian.
  4. “The key to economic development lies in agriculture development in India.” Comment.
  5. What is the present status of sugar industry in India? Write the problems faced by this industry and also suggest measures to solve these problems.

BBA Bookkeeping Question paper

B.B.A. Examination, 2017

Indian Economy


Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt all the section as per instructions.


(Very Short Questions)

Note : Attempt all the Five questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75words.


  1. What do you mean by mixed economy?
  2. What is death rate.
  3. Give the objective of eleventh five year plan.
  4. What do you mean by industrial policy?
  5. What are the problems of SSI?


(Short Answer Questions)

Note : attempt any two question out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words.


  1. India is a poor country. Explain.
  2. What are the stage on Industrialisation?
  3. What are the main functions of district industries centres?


(Detailed Answer Questions)

Note : Attempt any three questions out of the following five question. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail.


  1. What are the factors which affects economic development?
  2. How is population related to economic development? Discuss it in Indian context.
  3. Write a detailed note on tenth five year plan.
  4. Explain the meaning and trends of productivity of agriculture in India. Why is its low or how can it be improved?
  5. Give the meaning of small scale and cottage industries. State their importance in Indian Economy. What are their main problems? How can these problems be rectified?

BBA Bookkeeping Question paper

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