B.Com 3rd Year Money and financial Online Test

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Money and Financial System Chapter 6th = Structure of Commercial Banking in India


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Structure of Commercial Banking in India

Structure of Commercial Banking in India

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1 / 36

36. SBI was established on the recommendation of the:

2 / 36

35. When was the name of ‘Banking Companies Act’ into ‘Banking Regulation Act’:

3 / 36

34. Origin of Unit Banking was assumed from:

4 / 36

33. Branch Banking is also termed as:

5 / 36

32. Origin of Branch banking was assumed from:

6 / 36

31. Which of the following is a foreign bank?

7 / 36

30. Foreign banks do:

8 / 36

29, Head Office of foreign bank is located in:

9 / 36

28. Which of the following is not a private sector bank?

10 / 36

27. SBI Acts as a:

11 / 36

26. State Bank of India was establised under the:

12 / 36

25, Which of the following Act regulate the Commercial Bank in India:

13 / 36

24. Which of the following acts as a representative of Reserve Bank of India?

14 / 36

23. State Bank of India works under the control of:

15 / 36

22. State Bank of India is a:

16 / 36

21, En 1980, those banks of which were:

17 / 36

20. In 1969, those banks, were nationalised, the total deposits of which:

18 / 36

19. When did nationalisation of banks take place in India first?

19 / 36

18. The Head Office of the State Bank of India is located at:

20 / 36

17. The leader of the Indian money market is:

21 / 36

16. The Central Banking institution of India is:

22 / 36

15. City bank is a:

23 / 36

14. The Jammu and Kashmir Bank is a:

24 / 36

13. Dena Bank is a:

25 / 36

12. Number of public sector Commercial Banks in India is:

26 / 36

11. Which is not a nationalised bank operating in India?

27 / 36

10. At persent, total number of nationalised banks are:

28 / 36

9. How many banks were nationalised in 1980:

29 / 36

8. How many Commercial Banks were nationalised in 1969:

30 / 36

7. Major Commercial Banks of India were nationalised first in :

31 / 36

6. Permission to set up a new bank is given by:

32 / 36

5. Which of the following is not apex banking institution?

33 / 36

4, At present number of subsidiaries banks of State Bank India is:

34 / 36

3, State Bank of India was established in:

35 / 36

2. Which bank was nationalised to create State Bank of India?

36 / 36

1. Imperial Bank of India was established in:

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