B.Com 3rd Year Money and financial Online Test

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  • CHAPTER  01 : Money: Definition, Functions and Importance
  • CHPATER 02 : Concept of Money Supply
  • CHAPTER 03 : Finance Meaning, Types and Importance
  • CHAPTER 04 : Financial System
  • CHAPTER 05 : Bank: Definition and Functions
  • CHAPTER 06 : Structure of Commercial Banking in India
  • CHAPTER 07 : Balance Sheet of
  • CHAPTER 08 : Regional Rural Banks
  • CHAPTER 09 : Co-operative Banking in India
  • CHAPTER  10 : Process of Credit Creation
  • CHAPTER  11 : Development Banks
  • CHAPTER 12 : Unregulated Credit Market in India
  • CHAPTER 13 : Reserve Bank of India
  • CHPATER 14 : Monetary Policy

Money and Financial System Chapter 1st = Money: Definition, Functions and Importance


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Money: Definition, Functions and Importance

Money: Definition, Functions and Importance

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1 / 71

27. Tertiary sector includes:

2 / 71

25. Finance mainly depends on the:

3 / 71

19. Which of the following is not an international institution?

4 / 71

69. None-legal tender money like cheques, bank drafts, hundies, bills of exchange, etc. are called:

5 / 71

68. Inconvertible paper money which circulates in the country, under extraordinary circumstances on the command of the State is called:

6 / 71

67. Concept of inside money was introduced by:

7 / 71

66. Which is the most convenient medium of exchange?

8 / 71

65. Money which is a source of many blessings to mankind, becomes also, unless we control it, a source of perils and confusion.” Who has given this view point?

9 / 71

64. As economy grows, the relative importance of credit money:

10 / 71

63. The qualities of a good money are:

11 / 71

62. Gresham law is applicable to:

12 / 71

61. The coins whose face value is more than intrinsic value termed as:

13 / 71

60. Optional money includes:

14 / 71

59. Legal Tender Money includes:

15 / 71

58. Fiat money is also termed as:

16 / 71

57. Paper money is an example of:

17 / 71

56. The money whose intrinsic value is not equal is its face value, is termed as:

18 / 71

55, Currency includes:

19 / 71

54. Quality of good money

20 / 71

53. Near money is….. than money:

21 / 71

52, In which of the following economic system sovereignty of the consumer become possible?

22 / 71

51. Which of the following is social evil of money?

23 / 71

50. Economic evil of money is:

24 / 71

49. “Money is a good servent but bad master,” this statement is given by:

25 / 71

48 “Lack of money is the root of all evils,” who said this?

26 / 71

47. Money plays a important role in:

27 / 71

46, In which economic system, money plays a vital role?

28 / 71

45. “Money is the Pivot around which the whole economic science clusters”, this statement is given by:

29 / 71

44. “Modern economic life which is founded on specialization would not be possible without money”, who remarked this?

30 / 71

43. “Money is a wrapper in which things come to you”, this statement is given by:

31 / 71

42. “Money is such a path which is used for transporting entire output of the district to the market, but which in itself produces nothing”, this statement is given by:

32 / 71

41. The……… are of the opionion that money plays a significant role in increasing the level of income and employment.

33 / 71

40. Who among the following did not attach much significance to the role of money?

34 / 71

39. Which of the following is dynamic function of money?

35 / 71

38. Which of the following is static function of money?

36 / 71

37. Who classified the functions of money into static and dynamic functions?

37 / 71

36. Which of the following is a contingent function of money?

38 / 71

35. Which of the following is not secondary function of money?

39 / 71

34. Primary functions of money includes:

40 / 71

33. With the use of currency:

41 / 71

32. Choose the incorrect statement: Asset demand for money is that it:

42 / 71

31, Which of the following would not be termed “Near Money”?

43 / 71

30. Wealth that has physical existence and is required either for its own sake or for its contribution to production is called:

44 / 71

29. Exchange bills, treasury bills, bonds, debentures are the examples of:

45 / 71

28. Promises by the government to pay a fixed sum of money at a prescribed date generally three months ahead, are called:

46 / 71

27. A Financial bill which does not arises in connection with genuine commercial transaction is called:

47 / 71

26. Some assets which are very much liquid though not as much as money itself is called:

48 / 71

25. Money performs its contingent functions normally in:

49 / 71

24. Consider the following: / Which of the above are contingent functions of money?

50 / 71

23. Consider the following: / Which of the above are the secondary functions of money?

51 / 71

22. Medium of exchange and measure of value, both are the constituents of:

52 / 71

21. Consider the following: / Which of the above are the essential qualities of a good money material?

53 / 71

20. Something which is freely used and generally accepted as: a medium of exchange and as a unit of account is called:

54 / 71

19. Which of the following is the function of money, according to Hartley Withers?

55 / 71

18. Which of the following is a function of money?

56 / 71

17. Money has been considered as primary invention of man, this statement is given by:

57 / 71

16. Medium of exchange is the following function of money:

58 / 71

15. Which of the following is not correct about money?

59 / 71

14. Which of the following is a characteristic of money?

60 / 71

13. According to Chicago Approach, money includes:

61 / 71

12. According to conventional approach, money includes:

62 / 71

11. “Anything that is generally acceptable as a means of exchange and as the same time as a measure and store of value”, this definition was given by:

63 / 71

10. “Money is one thing that have general acceptability”, this definition was given by:

64 / 71

9. “Money may be defined as the means of valuation and payment,” this definition was given by:

65 / 71

8. “Anything which is declared by the state as money becomes money”, this definition was given by:

66 / 71

7. “Money is what money does”, this definition was given by:

67 / 71

6. Theory of spontaneous growth of money was propounded by:

68 / 71

4. The term money has been derived from the Latin Word:

69 / 71

3. Which of the following is a demerit of barter system?

70 / 71

2. Meaning of Exchange is:

71 / 71

1. Direct exchange of one commodity for another is termed AS:

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