B.Com 3rd Year Money and financial Online Test

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Money and Financial System Chapter 11th =  Development Banks


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Development Banks

Development Banks


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1 / 38

4. Which one of the following statement is wrong?

2 / 38

37. Long-term loan is given by:

3 / 38

36. Exim Bank was established on:

4 / 38

35. When did UTI start its working in India?

5 / 38

34. General Insurance corporation of India was established in:

6 / 38

33. The central office of LIC is located in:

7 / 38

32. Life Insurance corporation of India was established in:

8 / 38

31. Which of the following committee give recommendation on Development Banks:

9 / 38

30. Apex institution for the purpose of Industrial Finance is:

10 / 38

29. National Housing Bank (NHB) was established in:

11 / 38

28. Headquarter of SIDBI is situated at:

12 / 38

27. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) was established in:

13 / 38

26. Headquarter of IIBIL is situated at:

14 / 38

25. At present, authorised capital of IIBIL is:

15 / 38

24. The IRBI was reconstitued into IIBIL in the year:

16 / 38

23, In which year II-BI was converted into IR BI

17 / 38

22, Industrial Investment Bank of India was established in:

18 / 38

21. The authorised capital of Industrial Development Bank is:

19 / 38

20. ICICI was established in:

20 / 38

19. The IDBI was converted into full fledged commercial bank on:

21 / 38

18. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) was established in:

22 / 38

17. Authorised capital of State Finance Corporation should not be less than:

23 / 38

16. At present, the number of State Finance Corporation is:

24 / 38

15. In which state, State Finance Corporation was established first:

25 / 38

14. State Finance Corporation Act was passed in:

26 / 38

13. At present, the authorised capital of IFCI is:

27 / 38

12. Initially, the paid-up capital of IFCI was:

28 / 38

11. IFCI provides loans for a maximum period of:

29 / 38

10. Industrial Finance Corporation of India was established in:

30 / 38

9. Which of the following commercial banks have worked as banks in India earlier:

31 / 38

8. Which one of the following is incorrect?

32 / 38

7. Which one was established first for providing industrial finance out of the following:

33 / 38

6. Development banks mainly provide finance to:

34 / 38

5. Development banking approach has been:

35 / 38

4. A Development bank is that bank which gives priority to development objective”, who said this:

36 / 38

3. Development bank’s chief distinguishing role is:

37 / 38

2. Development Banks:

38 / 38

1. Development Banks provide:

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