B.Com 3rd Year Money and financial Online Test

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Money and Financial System Chapter 10th = Process of Credit Creation


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Process of Credit Creation

Process of Credit Creation

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40. Assumption of credit creation is:

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39. In order to increase the money supply, the banking system must have:

3 / 41

38. Cash Reserve Ratio will be equal to:

4 / 41

37. Banks expand their secondary deposits through:

5 / 41

36. Derivative deposits is the result of:

6 / 41

35. The creation of derivative deposits is indentical with what is commonly called the creation of credit.” This is defined by:

7 / 41

34. “Loan creates deposits”, who said this:

8 / 41

33. The Cash Reserve Ratio is determined by:

9 / 41

32. Credit creation is done by:

10 / 41

31. Bank credit creation capacity is affected by:

11 / 41

30. In the process of credit creation, the following are included:

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30. According to Walter Leaf and Canon, the function of credit creation is done by:

13 / 41

29. Which of the following statement is correct?

14 / 41

28. On which of the following, power of credit creation depends on:

15 / 41

27. By decreasing cash reserve ratio, bank’s power of credit creation will:

16 / 41

26. On whom optimum capacity is dependent in credit creation?

17 / 41

25. Increase in bank credit leads to:

18 / 41

24. Increase in bank credit leads to:

19 / 41

23. In comparison to deposit multiplier, bank credit multiplier is:

20 / 41

22. Higher the reserve ratio:

21 / 41

21. Bank credit is a credit from:

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20. During the period of depression, credit creation is:

23 / 41

19. Cash reserve with Central Banks is called:

24 / 41

18. Full form of CRR is:

25 / 41

17. An increase in the {time deposit / demand deposit} will lead to:

26 / 41

16. , An increase in reserve ratio has an effect that leads to:

27 / 41

15. Banks are required to maintain a percentage of their deposits in the form of balances with RBI. This is called:

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14. Which of the following do not limit the bank’s capacity to create deposits?

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13. “Cash Drain” refers to:

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12. Secondary deposits refer to:

31 / 41

11, If bank have to hold a large percentage of deposits in the form of cash, the total amount of deposits that can be created will be:

32 / 41

10, A commercial bank’s capacity of credit creation depends mainly on:

33 / 41

9. During periods of depression commercial banks:

34 / 41

8. Deposits creation can be calculated by:

35 / 41

7. Deposits multiplier (K) is:

36 / 41

6. Credit creation depends upon:

37 / 41

5. Primary deposits is otherwise known as:

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4. The extent of credit expansion by the banking system can be found out by the formula:

39 / 41

3. Banks as a whole are able to support a volume of deposits which is multiple of the cash reserves they hold. This phenomenon is known as:

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2. The deposits arising as a result of funds deposited by customers are called:

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  1. A primary deposit is created when

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