B.Com 3rd Year Auditing Online Test

Auditing Chapter 6th = Verification and Valuation of Assets and Liabilities


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Verification and Valuation of Assets and Liabilities

Verification and Valuation of Assets and Liabilities

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1 / 70

70. Method of valuating stock is –

2 / 70

69. If average capital of business is Rs. 5,00,000; Average annual income Rs. 80,000 and normal rate of return 10% then amount of goodwill by capitalisation method will be –

3 / 70

68. Capitalisation method is concerned with –

4 / 70

67. Instrinsic value method of valuation is concerned with –

5 / 70

66. Average Profit Method is connected with –

6 / 70

65. Material includes –

7 / 70

64. When profit is inflated by making wrong valuation of stock, then profit of succeeding year will –

8 / 70

63. In which possibilities of fraud and error are more –

9 / 70

62. Which of the following is the result of undervaluation of stock –

10 / 70

61. In which case decision is that physical verification of stock is the liability of auditor –

11 / 70

60. Incorrect valuation of stock affects –

12 / 70

59. Main cause of over and under valuation of assets and liabilities iss –

13 / 70

58. Which of the following is contingent liability –

14 / 70

57. In the Balance Sheet contingent liabilities is shown –

15 / 70

56. In the Last in Fist out Method’ stock is valued at –

16 / 70

55. In the First in First Out Method’, stock is valued at –

17 / 70

54. Valuation of loose tools is made on the basis of –

18 / 70

53. Valuation of Livestock should be made by –

19 / 70

52. In valuing livestock, auditor should take certificate of –

20 / 70

51. Highest in Price Out’ method of valuation is used –

21 / 70

50. Quoted Price is related with –

22 / 70

49. Which of the following is wasting asset –

23 / 70

48. On which side Trade mark is shown in the Balance Sheet –

24 / 70

47. At which price raw material is valued –

25 / 70

46. “Generally stock is valued at cost price or market price whichever is less”, this statement is given by –

26 / 70

45. Which of the following asset is valued at cost –

27 / 70

44. Work of Valuation done by is –

28 / 70

43. Which of the following is an intangible asset –

29 / 70

42. Land is valued at –

30 / 70

41. In case of unclaimed wages, the auditor should examine whether –

31 / 70

40. Floating assets are valued at –

32 / 70

39. Which of the following statement is valuation of assets by an auditor –

33 / 70

38. Which of the following statement is correct –

34 / 70

37. Verification refers to –

35 / 70

36. Preliminary expenses include –

36 / 70

35. Direct confirmation procedure can be applied to –

37 / 70

34. Investments in hand should be verified with the help of –

38 / 70

33. Which of the following is fictitious asset –

39 / 70

32. Which of the following is an intangible asset?

40 / 70

31. Which of the following is fictitious asset –

41 / 70

30. Which of the following is intangible asset –

42 / 70

29. Which of the following is wasting asset –

43 / 70

28. Registration from government for a name or mark of the produced goods is termed as –

44 / 70

27. Valuation of purchased goodwill is done on the basis of –

45 / 70

26. Which of the following is current asset?

46 / 70

25. Current assets remain in business for –

47 / 70

24. Which the following is a fixed asset –

48 / 70

23. Wasting assets means –

49 / 70

22. Which reserve is useful to strength the financial position of a business?

50 / 70

21. Which asset is valued on cost price or market price whichever is less –

51 / 70

20. Stock should be valued at –

52 / 70

19. Case of London Oil Storage Co. Ltd. vs. Sear Hasluck Co. (1904) is related to –

53 / 70

18. Verification is based on –

54 / 70

17. Valuation is a part of –

55 / 70

16. Verification and Valuation both are –

56 / 70

15. The judgement that ‘an auditor is not a valuer’ in case of –

57 / 70

14. “An Auditor is not a valuer”. This statement is of –

58 / 70

13. Auditor is –

59 / 70

12. When auditor has any doubt about the valuation of assets, he must disclose this fact –

60 / 70

11. Valuation is –

61 / 70

10. Which of the following is the object of valuation –

62 / 70

9, In how many parts generally assets are categorised –

63 / 70

8, “The valuation of assets is an attempt to ensure the equitable distribution of the original outlay over the period of the assets usefulness.” This is defined by –

64 / 70

7. In verifying liabilities, an auditor see that –

65 / 70

6. Which of the following does not require physical verification?

66 / 70

5. Object of verification of assets by an auditor is –

67 / 70

4. Which of the following is not the object of verification –

68 / 70

3. Principle of verification is –

69 / 70

2. “The verification of Assets implies an enquiry into the value, ownership and title, existence and possession and the presence of any charge on the assets”. This is defined by –

70 / 70

1. Meaning of verification of assets is –

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