B.Com 3rd Year Auditing Online Test

Auditing Chapter 14th = Special Audit


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Special Audit

Special Audit

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1 / 30

30. In management audit, evaluation is being done of the –

2 / 30

29. What is essential for measuring efficiency of management?

3 / 30

28. Management Audit is –

4 / 30

27. Which of the following section of Companies Act related with cost audit –

5 / 30

26. Management audit is get done by –

6 / 30

25. Cost auditor furnish his report to –

7 / 30

24. For manufacturing concerns, cost audit is –

8 / 30

23. Under management audit, which of the following is examined –

9 / 30

22. Objective of Management audit is –

10 / 30

21. Qualification of Management Auditor is –

11 / 30

20. Where management audit is first used?

12 / 30

19. Management audit is a –

13 / 30

18. Tax audit is compulsory under section –

14 / 30

17. Cost Audit report is to be furnished –

15 / 30

16. Main object of Cost Audit is –

16 / 30

15. Cost auditor is appointed by –

17 / 30

14. Qualification of cost auditor is –

18 / 30

13. Cost audit is beneficial for –

19 / 30

12. The cost auditor shall submit his report to –

20 / 30

11. Cost Audit is compulsory in –

21 / 30

10. Cost audit is helpful for an institution in –

22 / 30

9. Cost Audit is started in –

23 / 30

8. Minimum percentage of provision for a Insurance Company is –

24 / 30

8. Accounts of Insurance Companies are prepared according to which sections of Insurance Companies Act, 1938 –

25 / 30

6. According to which of the following Act, final accounts of Insurance Companies are prepared?

26 / 30

5. Non-trading institutions prepare –

27 / 30

4. For aided educational institutions, audit is –

28 / 30

3. In banking companies –

29 / 30

2. Which section of the Banking Regulation Act is related with audit of annual accounts –

30 / 30

1. Under which Act, Banking Companies An India –

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