B.Com 3rd Year Auditing Online Test

Auditing Chapter 4th = Internal Check


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Internal Check

Internal Check

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1 / 39

39. Entry of received credit note is made in the –

2 / 39

38. Which of the following wage method is suitable for accounting?

3 / 39

37. Internal Audit means –

4 / 39

36. An Internal Auditor is –

5 / 39

35. For which of the following Internal check is most suitable –

6 / 39

34. Which of the following is based on the principle of division of labour –

7 / 39

33. Internal control includes –

8 / 39

32. Internal control includes –

9 / 39

31. Internal auditor is responsible for –

10 / 39

30. In which of the following detailed checking is done –

11 / 39

29. Which of the following is a broader term?

12 / 39

28. Internal control is a broader term, generally used to encompass both internal check and internal audit”. This is defined by –

13 / 39

27. “Internal check is a method of organising the entire operation of office, factory, warehouse and the duties of the respective staff so that fraud and irregularities are impossible without collusion.” This is defined by –

14 / 39

26. Internal audit is done by –

15 / 39

25. For big concerns internal check system is –

16 / 39

24, Internal check starts –

17 / 39

23. Internal check includes –

18 / 39

22. Internal check system makes the auditor’s work –

19 / 39

21. “Internal check may be defined as such arrangement of Book-keeping routine that errors and frauds are likely to be prevented or discovered by the very operation the Book-keeping itself. This is defined by –

20 / 39

20. Which of the following is a feature of an efficient Internal Check System?

21 / 39

19. Main object of Internal check is –

22 / 39

18. Meaning of Internal Audit is –

23 / 39

17. Internal audit is a –

24 / 39

16. Internal audit proves helpful in –

25 / 39

15. Internal auditing can best be described as –

26 / 39

14. In comparison to the independent auditor, an internal auditor is more likely to be concerned with –

27 / 39

13. The object of internal audit is –

28 / 39

12. Internal check refers to –

29 / 39

11. Who will be responsible for errors in report if external auditor relies on the work of internal auditor –

30 / 39

10. Who appoint Internal Auditor?

31 / 39

9. Internal audit of a business concern is –

32 / 39

8. Internal checking is –

33 / 39

7. The scope of work of Internal Audit is decided by the –

34 / 39

6. An internal auditor is –

35 / 39

5. The process of distribution of work among employees according to their ability is known as –

36 / 39

4. Which of the following is based on the principle of division of work?

37 / 39

3. Object of internal check is –

38 / 39

2. Internal check is important for –

39 / 39

1. Under the Internal Check System –

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