B.Com 3rd Year Auditing Online Test

Auditing Chapter 3rd = Audit Process


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Audit Process

Audit Process

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1 / 39

39. Test checking should not be applied to –

2 / 39

38. Which of the following is not a part of the process of auditing –

3 / 39

37. Which of the following Auditing Standard is related with Audit Materiality –

4 / 39

36.  Materiality is a –

5 / 39

35. Permanent file contains the abstract of –

6 / 39

34. Under over all checking –

7 / 39

33. Under Intensive checking –

8 / 39

32. Test checking reduces the –

9 / 39

31. Routine checking discovers –

10 / 39

30. Audit note book is a –

11 / 39

29. Test checking is done to –

12 / 39

28. In a big organisation where number of transactions are numerous, auditor check –

13 / 39

27. Test checking refers to –

14 / 39

26. If there arise loss to employer due to adopting test checking, then auditor is………. for loss.

15 / 39

25. Test checking……….. the responsibility of auditor –

16 / 39

24. Test checking is appropriate –

17 / 39

23. Test checking is beneficial when –

18 / 39

22. Test checking means –

19 / 39

21. Routine checking is done by –

20 / 39

20. By Routine checking –

21 / 39

19. Main objective of Routine checking is –

22 / 39

18. Which of the following work perview in routing checking?

23 / 39

17. Which is the advantage of Audit Note Book –

24 / 39

16.  Which of the following case is related with ownership working papers –

25 / 39

15. For which of the following purpose, auditor keeps working papers –

26 / 39

14. Audit working papers are the property of –

27 / 39

13. The auditor obtains the working papers –

28 / 39

12. Audit note book contains –

29 / 39

11. Use of working papers are necessary as it is –

30 / 39

10. Audit programme should –

31 / 39

9. In audit programme, audit work planning is done by –

32 / 39

8. An audit programme is chalked out for the following purpose

33 / 39

7. Audit programme should be –

34 / 39

6. Before the audit of a new institution –

35 / 39

5. Which of the following is disadvantage of audit programme?

36 / 39

4. Which of the following is a merit of audit programme?

37 / 39

3. An audit programme must be –

38 / 39

2. Which is the essential quality of an audit programme –

39 / 39

1. , “An audit programme is flexibly planned procedure of examination”, this is defined by –

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