B.Com 3rd Year Auditing Online Test

Auditing Chapter 2nd = Classification of Audit


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Classification of Audit

Classification of Audit

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1 / 47

47. Qualification of an Internal Auditor is –

2 / 47

46. Comptroller and Auditor General of India submits its audit report to –

3 / 47

45. To make audit of Government Offices, auditor appointed by –

4 / 47

44. Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by –

5 / 47

43. Existence of internal audit system does not reduce the desirability of –

6 / 47

42. To sell the business which type of audit is carried on –

7 / 47

41. In which country Balance Sheet Audit means the audit of only Balance Sheet?

8 / 47

40. “A final or completed audit is that which is commenced after the end of financial year of which it relates”. This is defined by –

9 / 47

39. “A continuous audit is one where Auditor Staff is occupied continuously on the accounts the whole year round”, this is defined by –

10 / 47

38. In which of the following audit publishing of final accounts –

11 / 47

37. In which of the following of Audit there remain no scope of alteration in figures –

12 / 47

36. Which of the following type of audit make hurdle in routine works of enterprise –

13 / 47

35. Feature of Periodical Audit is –

14 / 47

34. Audit is not a guarantee of cent percent truth –

15 / 47

33. If only a part of the accounts of a business are examined, it is termed as –

16 / 47

32. Audit which is done at the time of admission of a new partner is called –

17 / 47

31. Which of the following is a feature of continuous audit –

18 / 47

30. Which of the following is advantage of continuous audit –

19 / 47

29. “The continuous audit is one which of commenced and carried on before the close of the financial year to which it relates”. This is defined by –

20 / 47

28. Continuous Audit is beneficial for –

21 / 47

27. Which type of audit is followed by Banking Companies –

22 / 47

26. Management Audit is a valuation of –

23 / 47

25. What is necessary to measure the efficiency of a manager?

24 / 47

24. The Audit which is opted by a Insurance Company is –

25 / 47

23. Under Management audit examination is done of the –

26 / 47

22. Under balance sheet audit examination is done –

27 / 47

21. Management Audit is –

28 / 47

20. Interim audit is get done –

29 / 47

19. The scope of interim audit falls within the purview –

30 / 47

18. Balance Sheet Audit is useful when –

31 / 47

17. Periodical Audit is an audit in which –

32 / 47

16. In which of the following there is more possibilities in alteration of figures –

33 / 47

15. Advantage of periodical audit is –

34 / 47

14. Which of the following is suitable form of audit when there exists strong internal check system –

35 / 47

13. Which of the following type of audit is suitable for small concerns –

36 / 47

12. Periodical Audit is started –

37 / 47

11. Final Audit can also be termed as –

38 / 47

10. Periodical Audit is carried on –

39 / 47

9. The effect of auditor on employees by continuous audit –

40 / 47

8. In which of the following, there is more possibility of secret pact with employees –

41 / 47

7. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of continuous audit?

42 / 47

6. Which of the following is not a advantage of continuous audit –

43 / 47

5. Which of the following proves helpful in declaration of Interim dividend –

44 / 47

4. In which of the following case, continuous audit becomes necessary –

45 / 47

3. Which of the following audit year?

46 / 47

2. Continuous audit is suitable –

47 / 47

1. Continuous Audit is carried on –

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